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Lady Gaga Shared Her PTSD and Self-Harm Struggles with Oprah

The star says she wants other sufferers to know they can survive

“I consider myself to be a kindness punk,” Lady Gaga tells Oprah in a new interview. “Punks…sort of have a reputation for rebelliousness, right? I really view my career, and even what I’m doing now, as a rebellion against all the things in the world that I see to be unkind.”

When she refers to “what she’s doing now,” of course, the singer/actress/entrepreneur is talking about the honest, sometimes raw, conversation she is then in the midst of having with Oprah.

It’s a wide-ranging conversation—hitting everything from why she launched her makeup brand, Haus of Gaga, (“I had the time” but also wanted “a rebellion against the status quo of beauty”) to the Bradley Cooper dating rumours (“very silly”)—but mostly it’s about mental health.

“I have PTSD. I have chronic pain. Neuropathic pain trauma response is a weekly part of my life,” she tells Oprah, referring to trauma she links back to her experience of repeated sexual assault when she was younger, among other things. “I’m on medication; I have several doctors. This is how I survive.”

She continues: “But…I kept going, and I want every kid out there or even adult out there who’s been through so much, I want them to know they can keep going, and they can survive, and they can win their Oscar.”

Elsewhere in the interview, she shares her almost lifelong struggle with depression, her hospitalization for what she calls “a psychotic break,” and, for the first time, her journey to recovery from a battle with self-harming tendencies.

“I was a cutter for a long time,” she says. “The only way I was able to stop cutting myself and self-harming myself was to realize that what I was doing was trying to show people that I was in pain instead of telling them and asking for help.” She adds: “I’m very grateful I don’t do it anymore, and I wish to not glamorize it.”

You can listen to the full conversation on Oprah’s podcast, SuperSoul Conversations. 


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