best sex toys for women

I Tried All the Vibrators (Lucky Me)

*Buzzy* new gadgets to get you off

This August, my vibrator and I will be celebrating 15 wonderful years together. Its sturdy, high-powered German engineering has kept me mostly monogamous, straying only occasionally to give into the hype around the trendy We-Vibe (I hated it) and purchase a cheap n’ cheerful bullet vibe from a coworker’s pyramid scheme (I loved it).

The myriad fun ways I could get down with my tried-and-true and my ability to orgasm with little effort left me unmotivated—read: too lazy—to seek out new additions to the sex drawer. Now, however, it seems my old squeeze will have to welcome some new pals because I’ve been asked to test five of the more chic and popular toys available for you all. What a sacrifice, I know.

I headed to Good For Her, the venerable Toronto sex store run by sex educator and author Carlyle Jansen, who has the kindly air and sharp pixie cut of your most trusted aunt. “Having a vibrator is great to empower yourself: to have more options, to give you more opportunity to potentially have an orgasm” she says. “And it doesn’t take as much effort, which sometimes is nice. It’s like, I just want to get off and go to sleep, you know? Having a toy—or multiple toys—can also make sex more interesting, whether it be with yourself or with a partner.”

With a some shopping advice from Jansen, I arrived home with an armful of the finest (waterproof!) silicone sex toys, and promptly added $50 to the hydro bill setting up an elaborate extension cord scheme to charge them all simultaneously. Gone are the batteries—all these babies charge via a USB/electricity. (Seeing them piled together in their pastel glory, all lit up, my boyfriend commented, “It looks like a contemporary art sculpture from the ’90s.”)

Okay, so which was the fave?


The Moody 

Fun Factory Moody Flexible Vibrator, $185,

Name: This is a weird moniker, man. Folks with vaginas already get a lot of flak about being “moody.” We don’t want a reminder of this sexist shittiness when attempting to rub one out before work, thanks.

Noise: V. quiet. Good for stealth times.

Cuteness: Peak cuteness: I actually have had my eye on a purse in this exact lavender shade for ages. “It looks like something from a Hayao Miyazaki film,” according to my boyfriend. “Or a cute sea creature <<dolphin noises>>.”

Experience: I started the testing with this descendant of my dear Fun Factory companion. Apparently my workman-like circa 2003 battery-powered vibe has Jurassic Park-ed itself into a ribbed, curved waterproof device with a little ruffled Elizabethan collar (which doubles as a flange; i.e. you can stick it in your butt!), and actual + and – buttons to change modes or raise or lower the power, while the looped handle is also comfy to use. The slight angle is rad for g-spot times: you know how you get your partner to make the come-here gesture during partner play? Solo times is the same; the trick is to work the downswing, not the insertion. But the Moody is also delightful if you mainly stick to external play. And, again, it’s just so damn cute.

Bells and Whistles: There’s some nice waves and crescendo options, although the fun here lies in the long list of pulse modes: there’s slow pulses, fast pulses, really fast pulses, alternating pulses, rising pulses. Once you’re sick of all the wom-wom-wom, the minus button switches it to the straight juice. Then the off button allows you to turn it off instantaneously—no more frantic scrabbling for the twist-bottom and/or throwing it across the room to stop the damn thing once you’re done. And you can put it in lock mode so it doesn’t go off in the customs line.

Cons: The silver plastic on the interior of the handle looks a little cheesy.

Assessment: Would be an excellent day-to-day vibe, like a great investment bag you can rock at work and drinks.


The Form 2 

Jimmy Jane, Form 2, $150,

Name: Form 2 sounds like a Montreal techno party. Authoritative. Spartan.

Noise: It has a pleasingly old-timey high-pitched mechanical whir. Not overly loud.

Cuteness: Extremely cute. It looks like a pink Deadmaus head, or an anime tooth.

Bells and Whistles: This unassuming little guy is a great beginner toy because it’s not intimidatingly shaped like a giant dong (and thus less stressful to travel with) nor does it have enough power to burn your junk. Excellent for introducing to useless cis het dudes who are uninitiated to the joy of vibe-assisted partner sex. Probably not for you if you’re looking for a little more oomph: as a size queen, I felt like a degenerate grinding it into my nether region (it’s compactness means it’s also not great for those with poor dexterity who need more surface area to grip).

Cons: It smells pretty strongly of plastic.

Assessment: Best for beginners


The Womanizer Pro40  

Womanizer Pro40, $169, 

Name: Potentially the worst vibrator name of all time. UGH.

Noise: It sounds like a humming duck that gets progressively more agitated—and loud. Use it in the tub to drown out the racket.

Cuteness: It looks like an infomercial beauty implement from the eighties.

Bells and Whistles: Hyped as “a blowjob for your clit,” I had been curious about this guy for a while. It uses “pleasure-air technology,” i.e. vacuum-powered pulsation, rather than straight vibes, to get you off. You literally plop the little plastic ring on your nub, boop! Then you orgasm in, like, seconds. The hype is LUH-git. The vacuum set-up and varying speeds also means that it’s good for marathon seshes, as you won’t numb out as fast, and pressing the power button post-O handily switches the power down to a low hum. You can also switch it up by sticking it on your nipples. If you become obsessed with it (you will) and wear out the plastic ring, no worries—it comes with a spare one!

Cons: Sans cuteness or quietness, and—I’ve decided, it’s official—the worst vibrator name of all time.

Assessment: Must-have for the person looking for something a little different to add to the goodie drawer.


The O-Wand 

O-wand, $248,

Name: Good attempt at minimalist eleganza, but the term “wand” kills the classiness, to me, with its forest-princess vibes.

Noise: Kinda loud. It actually rattled the tub and potentially the windows when I took it for a spin during bathtime.

Cuteness: When my BF and I threw open the box, we both actually gasped. “It looks like a future weapon,” he whispered. In short, the O-Wand is no joke. The cooler version of the famed Magic Wand, it looks like a cross between a DustBuster and microphone, with a large head and matte-black finish. It’s longer than my forearm.

Bells and Whistles: It comes with several international outlet adapters (“so you can bring your huge vibrator with you as you jet-set around,” according to my BF), as well as an optional studded cover for the head. (You can buy other add-ons as well.) We couldn’t find the power outlet but, after consulting the schematic that comes with the toy, we then realized you have to pierce the silicone to plug it in the first time (don’t worry: it doesn’t leave a hole)—v. Cronenberg body-horror.

There are seven different patterns, but it was the four power levels I was stoked to try, given that the Magic Wand is one of the best-loved sex toys of all time. I found the large head dispersed the vibes a bit, so it wasn’t the hardcore puss-rocking revelation I had anticipated, but the massive head was a fun new shape to work with and the large size would be handy for folks looking for a dominance play accessory. Plus it’s definitely a better fit for style-conscious people ISO a more tasteful take on the classic Wand.

Cons: It’s heavy—folks with strength or grip issues may struggle with it, unless you stick to riding it. (And again with the tacky metallic plastic interior handle!)

Assessment: The Cadillac of vibrators—good for gifting, partner play and those looking for a prettier wand with more patterns.


And the winner is….

The Nova 

We-Vibe Nova, $160,

Name: A bit patchouli (the website also literally shows it draped in hippie scarves and bangles), no? But it could be worse. (See below.)

Noise: Virtually silent

Cuteness: This one is a beauty, with elegant curves (both bits vibrate) and a stylish watermelon-pink colourway. Very sci-fi chic.

Bells and Whistles: First off: if you need a little more power to finish and are strictly an external toy fan, this one is probably not for you. It’s got a lot of get-up-and-go, but mostly as an internal toy. But WHOO, BOY, is it fun—we are living in the future, folks. You can connect your Nova to your smartphone via an app and plot your own custom patterns from among the many vibe options: pulse, wave, echo, tide, crest, bounce, surf, peak and cha cha cha (!). And, if you happen to be partnered, you can have them download the app and control the vibrator, via WiFi, from wherever they are. Whoaaaaaa. I got my BF to connect with the app over his lunch break and he used his knowledge of my vibe preferences to torture me for a while—and it was real hot (so, awesome for long-distance folks). New to g-spot stimulation? This is a great entry (ELL OH ELL) to that world. 

Cons: I found the button set-up slightly confusing at first; it can be hard to find/decipher them on the white background, and without reading the manual, it’s not immediately apparent how to power it down, so I had to wake up my boyfriend—who had inspected the toy prior to passing out—to turn the bloody thing off. (Answer: press the start button down.)

Assessment: This one was probably my favourite out of the bunch: sleek, stylish and a really nice internal complement to your usual external toys. Also, I came all over the couch. Whoops.

Of course, we’re all different when it comes to pleasure, so to help you find what floats your boat, I asked Jansen to share the top things to consider when buying a vibrator.

  • How versatile is it? Unless you already know you really don’t want to put the toy up in there, get something that allows you to do external and internal play.
  • Are you easily orgasmic? If you come quickly, you want something that has some low speeds and maybe some medium. If you need to work a little more, you want something with more power to it.
  • Do you want something rechargeable or with batteries? The former is more of an upfront cost, while the latter costs more in the long run. Rechargeable toys can’t be powered up immediately if they conk out mid-sesh, while batteries can be switched out as needed.
  • How many buttons does it have? One button is great for simplicity but it usually only works in sequence: if you go too powerful and you want to tone it down, you may have to turn it off and start all over again. Multiple buttons can be confusing, but offer more options for speed and pattern.
  • If possible, it’s worth saving up for a high-quality silicone toy; they’re washable, often waterproof and/or rechargable and the best for your bod. Need something a little more budget-conscious while stashing away those pennies? Make sure you’re getting a good quality material that’s body-safe (be wary of sketchy, porous plastics and latex; they can hold bacteria); you can use a condom to be extra-careful (and don’t share unsheathed toys!).
  • Try and get to a sex store and check out the toys in person if you can; it’s really helpful to pick things up and touch them, and see how strong the vibe is. And don’t be afraid to talk to the salespeople: there’s no stupid questions! Make sure that you get your needs met and get something that really works the best for you.

Not in Toronto? Visit your own independently run classy sex shop with good brands and quality toys (ones owned or managed by women and LGBTQ folks often have more diverse and thoughtful curation), or buy online (Good For Her, for example, ships Canada-wide).

By Jane Spader|  Photography by Luis Mora

*a pseudonym, not because I am ashamed of jerking off but because the job hunt is hard enough without potential employers having to read what I like shoving in my cooch, and my poor parents already know too much about my sex life


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