Sharla Farrell anti Black racism
Sharla Farrell

“We Need More Representation in Everything We Do”

PR pro Sharla Farrell's story went viral. What happens now?

In an effort to amplify the voices of Black women in the Canadian fashion and beauty industry, we’re asking PR pros, designers, models and more to share their experiences with systemic discrimination. Their stories can help us all, The Kit included, find ways to actually fight anti-Black racism here at home.

On June 3, Sharla Farrell wrote a must-read piece for Medium about her experiences working as a Black woman in a Vancouver PR agency. The story went viral. Here, Sharla tells us about the costs and courage of speaking out.

In the Medium story, you wrote about experiencing racism at work and being ignored when you brought it up internally. Why did you decide to speak out?

“I always wanted to have this conversation. I tried to at the PR firm, multiple times. Then, as I wrote in the piece, I was fired the day after I did. On Blackout Tuesday, a former colleague sent me a photo of the black square the agency had posted on Instagram in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. I was so frustrated and riled up. I was a witness to racist incidents, which my co-workers and I tried to bring up, but our voices were stifled whenever we did. I thought, ‘You know what? This is the time to say something.'” 

Were you nervous?

“I was so nervous. [After it was published], I ended up going right to bed. When I woke up, I was shocked to see how far it had gone. It sounds so naive, but part of me felt that it was like writing in a diary, like no one is ever going to see it—maybe it would get a couple of shares, I’d get an email or two. But then the response was overwhelming—like someone opens up the burn book in Mean Girls, where you’ve written your deepest, darkest secret. I felt so exposed and vulnerable.” 

What was the reaction like?

“I heard from so many people, even students who were in the PR industry who wrote me saying that they were worried that the industry didn’t really have their back. I  was a little overwhelmed because there was a part of me that thought, I can’t believe that this is what it took. It took the filming of a very brutal death by a white police officer of a Black man to lead to these very important protests, that performative moment on Instagram, then me writing the story. What the hell? We’re only now talking about the plight of what Black people have been going through.” 

The PR world is so much about branding. How do you define performative allyship in relation to branding? 

“When you run your company as female-led and you mention diversity as your tagline but you never really do anything about it, it’s performative allyship. You can’t say that you support the Black Lives Matter movement, but everything you do lies in suppressing the voices of BIPOC and non-Black allies.

When I worked at that agency, even trying to get a simple media or influencer list approved was a challenge. I would try to add people who are BIPOC, and I was always told that they didn’t have the numbers. The next time I saw the list, their names were removed. I’ve worked on campaigns, where every single person was a white person and their [content] messages were all the same. There are influencers who are just starting out—they might have 5K followers instead of 20K, but they’re growing and they have a message that is authentic. They’re [featuring the products] because they love the brand. Why was there such resistance to amplifying other voices? If you’re not actively trying to make your workplace anti-racist, you’re part of the problem.”

What would you like to see change?

“There needs to be more representation in terms of every single thing we do. If you’re a BIPOC influencer, you should be represented in the media. Your message is important. I’d also like to see bigger corporations diversify their corporate leadership teams. Not just one person, make it a few. Make sure that you’re representing underrepresented communities including the LGBTQ+, Black and Indigenous communities. It really does make a difference. 

HR leaders should also have tactics to help employees who speak up. If someone says that they are dealing with racist remarks, you can’t brush it under the rug and table it for a later day. It just snowballs. It needs to be addressed as a priority.” 

You started your own PR agency last year. How are you doing it differently?

“I started the PR agency, Easy Consulting Studio, and my goal for the first year was to say yes to everything I could. I want to specialize in thinking about people and brands that I want to work with. Moving forward, when I’m in a position to hire—which I’m starting to look into!—I want to make sure that the right people are at the table, regardless of their race.

I want the most qualified Black person that applies for the internship to get the job. I want to amplify voices of other people in the industry, photographers, makeup artists, accountants and try my best to represent. I didn’t get a chance to do that at my other jobs, but I want to do it here. I feel optimistic. I’m 20 per cent scared that this [movement] may not go far and 80 per cent looking forward to seeing some changes. Now, I can be a real part of that change.”


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