King Charles and Camilla
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So, What Will Happen When King Charles Dies?

William will immediately step into the job his father waited so long for (and Kate will be queen)

Last week, King Charles checked himself into a London hospital, going under the knife to treat an enlarged prostate.

And while the condition itself is fairly common and benign, it was a reminder that behind the “God and my right” and jewels-of-questionable-provenance, our new-ish monarch is a 75-year-old man, bound by the same fragile humanity as the rest of us. This point was only underscored with the news that, while he has now been released from hospital, His Majesty had extended his expected hospital stay for a “precautionary” third night, a development a source in The Sun says “caused some unease.” (In other royal health news, his daughter-in-law Kate, who had been in hospital for nearly two weeks after abdominal surgery, was released to continue recovering at home on Monday and is “making good progress.”)

And while he seems to have genetics on his side—after all, at this point in her life his mother still had a quarter century left to reign—it’s also true that a) the average life expectancy for a man in the U.K. is 78 years old and b) fate is no respecter of statistics, and anything can happen at any time. Which begs the practical, if morbid question: What’s the plan for when Charles, to borrow from his own words upon his mother’s death, is sung by flights of angels to his rest?

Here’s what we know about what will happen when King Charles III dies.

1. Operation Menai Bridge will come into force

When the queen died in 2022, you may have heard a lot of chat about “Operation London Bridge.” This was the codename for the exhaustively detailed plan for what happened once the queen breathed her last, laying out everything from how her death would be announced to exactly what should happen during the 10-day period of mourning, culminating in her funeral. (“London Bridge has fallen” was supposed to be the coded message sent to civil servants to get the ball rolling without alerting the world too soon; because Her Majesty’s death happened in Scotland, we also technically witnessed “Operation Unicorn” roll out first.)

There’s a similar plan in place for Charles, known as Operation Menai Bridge. (This refers to a suspension bridge in Wales and continues a long tradition of bridge-based code names. His father’s, for instance, was Forth Bridge, while his grandmother’s was Tay Bridge.) According to former royal protection officer Simon Morgan, speaking to Australian outlet Nine News, planning for Operation Menai Bridge likely started “in earnest” the day after the Queen Elizabeth’s death.

While details remain top secret, the approach Charles took for his coronation feels like a solid hint for how he’ll plan his own funeral. There will still be many of the royal flourishes, but in a “lite” version, scaled back and in keeping with his “slimmed down” approach to modernizing the monarchy. The mourning period, for example, may just be a few days rather than the nearly two weeks we saw for the queen.

We might also expect some elements of the things Charles has championed over his lifetime, like nods to sustainability in choosing, perhaps, a “green burial,” with a cardboard coffin, etc.

2. William immediately becomes the King

We don’t have a code name for William’s yet, but Charles’s version of the “The Queen is dead, long live the King” action plan was known as Operation Spring Tide. As with his father, William—assuming he himself is around, of course—becomes monarch at the moment of the previous sovereign’s death. As with Charles, his actual coronation isn’t likely to be for several months after, but King William V (if he chooses that as his “regnal name”; he also has a raft of middle names like Arthur, Philip or Louis to choose from, and he could go rogue and throw it back to the Anglo-Saxons with, say, Ethelbald) will get to work immediately.

He’ll likely address the nation fairly quickly, as we saw Charles do, and then he’ll embark on a marathon of ceremony: The Accession Council, for example, will meet to proclaim him as the new king, and he’ll take an oath swearing that he is a “faithful Protestant,” a very specific promise relating to the still-standing prohibition on a Catholic taking the British throne.

As with Charles, he’ll also likely go on a whistle-stop tour of the realms—assuming Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are all still part of the United Kingdom at this point in the future—and hopefully, unlike his father, avoid a moment with a pen where exhaustion and the stress of the occasion get the better of him.

3. Kate Middleton will become queen consort

As the wife of the monarch, the as-was Kate Middleton will become “queen consort,” a title given to the spouse of the reigning monarch in order to differentiate her from a queen in her own right, like Elizabeth. Given that she is now known as “Catherine, Princess of Wales,” it’s a fairly solid bet that she will choose to be known as “Queen Catherine,” although much to the grief of the people who point it out ad nauseum in the comments, she will likely still be known as “Kate Middleton” to the public for eternity. 

4. The rest of the immediate Royal Family will get new titles as well

As the eldest child of the monarch, Prince George will become Prince of Wales when his dad becomes king. Depending on whether Princess Anne is still with us, there is also the chance that Charlotte will become known as “the Princess Royal,” a title currently held by her great-aunt and which is traditionally bestowed on the eldest daughter of the monarch. Camilla, if she’s still alive, will become known as the “Queen Dowager,” the title given to the widow of a king. She will not, however, be the “Queen Mother,” because unlike Elizabeth the Queen Mum, she is not the parent of a monarch.

When it comes to Prince Harry, the only formal change will be that he and his children will be bumped up one spot in the line of succession, although this is fairly meaningless considering William has three children, who at that point may even have children of their own. Title-wise, he’s already a duke, which is the top tier of the peerage anyway, so even if William were feeling magnanimous, he couldn’t really elevate his brother in the same way that Charles, for example, chose to do when he promoted his youngest brother, Edward, from an earl to the Duke of Edinburgh, doubly-moving given that title used to belong to Prince Philip. 

And how will family relations play out when that time comes? Who knows what water will pass under the bridge between now and then, but given Harry’s relationship with his father seems, by his own accounting, civil at least, we will likely see Harry make a return to Britain for the funeral. Whether he attends William’s coronation, however? A question mark, indeed.

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