Since his coronation, King Charles has been seen in public exactly once, breaking ground on a new laboratory at Cambridge University. His team has released a few more coronation portraits to keep the social timelines active, and he did pen a note expressing his sympathies for those affected by the wildfires in “Western Canada.” Otherwise, it’s been a strikingly muted post-crowning comedown for the newly coronated monarch.

Will and Kate, however, seem to be everywhere, packing a flurry of engagements into a period that should, by rights, be a victory lap for Charles and Camilla, basking in their post-coronation glow. (Or was that just the reflection from all the priceless golden paraphernalia used on the big day?)

William, Kate and the kids have the spotlight

The Prince and Princess of Wales hosted a mega-party together with the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh—Kate and Sophie both in identical shades of blue, which you can read as a coincidence or a refutation of Meghan’s allegation that two royals at the same event can’t wear the same colour lest the junior overshadow the senior. It was a garden party at Buckingham Palace, where they glad-handed more than 8,000 guests and where a sweet moment was captured between William and an elderly lady, which has gone viral on Royal Twitter.

And then, of course, there’s that most indelible image of the coronation “Big Help Out” event of the Wales kids mucking in with the Scouts, telegenically scarfing s’mores and operating power tools, which in Prince Louis’s case involved some semi-heavy machinery.

A social media revamp

The Waleses are also upping their social media game. Over the last few weeks, they’ve soft-launched a new direction for their various accounts, leaning on a filmmaker called Will Warr to shoot cinematic, doc-style videos for them. The timing is…interesting, to be sure. (So are the slightly OTT videos.)

Separately, they’ve also both been busy: William giving out knighthoods one day, then announcing a venue for the award ceremony for his “signature” royal project, the Earthshot Prize, on another, and then cheering in the stands for the Women’s FA Cup final.

Kate played the piano at Eurovision

Kate—who was also featured in a video for her Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, chatting to some youngsters—had perhaps the biggest moment of all, making a surprise appearance on Eurovision over the weekend, playing the piano alongside last year’s winners, the Ukrainian entrant. (And there’s one of those fancy new videos to document it.) We had many things on our royal bingo card this year, but the future Queen of England tickling the ivories at everyone’s favourite carnival of kitchsy pop was not on there. 

In a nutshell: If we’re thinking about members of the British Royal Family right now, it’s almost certainly not the two who had a reported $168 million party thrown for them a few weeks ago—and it feels like that’s deliberate.

Is it all part of a master plan?

Practically speaking, it does make sense that the Royal Family might be leaning on the younger generation in the immediate aftermath of a big event that looked to be, whatever your vintage, rather gruelling. Between them, Charles and Camilla have a combined age of 145, and per a source who spoke to royal correspondent Katie Nicholl, the king was “exhausted” and “knackered” after three days of coronation festivities.

Strategically, however, it’s more of a head-scratcher. Optically, it looks like Charles has willingly squandered any positive updraft of goodwill generated by his coronation, happily handing over the spotlight to his son and daughter-in-law instead. You could read this as arrogance—after all, it wasn’t public sentiment that got him on the throne in the first place, so why start courting it now?—or as something more nuanced, like an acknowledgement.

Charles isn’t well loved—and he knows it

It could be, for example, a reckoning with reality: Charles knows that he’s not a particularly beloved monarch, and his coronation—billed as an out-of-touch extravagance at a time of economic turmoil for many—seems to have done more to stir up anti-monarchy sentiment than to unite us all with affection for the Royal Family.

His aides, at the very least, must be aware of the calls for him to step aside in favour of his younger, more popular son. (He’s also surely aware of the wave of anti-Camilla sentiment that’s flown with renewed vitriol since her coronation, which might be why we haven’t seen her at all since that day.) If letting Will and Kate—ably aided by their adorable kids—steal the spotlight is what it takes to dull the growing Republican chatter, it may be a pragmatic choice Charles, for the greater good of the monarchy, will make.

That means, of course, acknowledging as well that he’s just a caretaker monarch, keeping the throne warm until it’s William’s turn. For someone who waited 74 years for this job, that must be a bit of a bitter pill—or possibly a relief, given the fact that he is, well, a septuagenarian who’s already lived a busy, productive, stressful life. Retirement, rather than a promotion, may well be what he wanted in his heart of hearts, a sentiment that at times felt like it was written all over his face at the coronation. (Of course, what I read as “overwhelming dread” others might have seen as “awed solemnity,” or simply Resting Royal Face.)

Is it a gift to Prince William?

You could also read this as an act of fatherly kindness, informed by his own decades as king-in-waiting. When he was Prince of Wales, Charles repeatedly shared his frustration with the role, which at its most reductive is essentially filling time until your parent dies. (Previous princes of Wales did this mostly with carousing; Charles devoted himself to earnest campaigning instead, a model William seems to be following.) Perhaps seeking to spare his son a similar sense of frustrated aimless waiting around, Charles is (unofficially) handing him the keys to the family business early, trusting him with The Firm in all but name while he’s off inspecting his organic gardens at Highgrove instead.

Or is William backstabbing?

Alternately—and this would require you to believe the reports of rival royal households, briefing against each other and in constant vicious competition for attention—this could be William in his usurper era, capitalizing on his father’s relatively advanced age (and attendant need for rest and a slower schedule) to advance his own cause. At its most Machiavellian, you could even see this as the opening skirmish of a campaign to force Charles to do the unthinkable—abdicate!—his hand forced by his son’s popularity and a looming sense that desperate measures may be required to ensure the dynasty’s survival.

After all, as many royal watchers will be all too aware: We’re now in for a fallow few years for flagship royal events, with no weddings or births on the horizon for at least a decade or so (two staple plays to keep our fascination with this family fuelled). If keeping the Windsor story going involves swapping an elderly monarch for a middle-aged one, we might be in for a mid-season twist.

Of course, it’s important to remember that we’re less than three weeks post-coronation, and it’s entirely possible that Charles and Camilla have a full calendar of events lined up that they’re waiting to unveil, designed to charm and remind us why it’s fun to have a monarchy around.

The question, however, is if any of us will notice.

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