amanda brugel handmaid's tale
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Amanda Brugel’s Hopes for Her Handmaid’s Tale Character

The Canadian actor talks Rita, rumours and filming during a pandemic

How is Amanda Brugel finding Ontario’s never-ending third lockdown?

“Excruciatingly difficult,” the 43-year-old The Handmaid’s Tale actor says from her home outside Toronto, where she lives with her two sons who are currently doing remote school. “It’s such a radically different pace to what I’ve lived for over a decade. I was on a plane every three, four weeks, and there just isn’t as much of a sense of adventure anymore,” she says, acknowledging that many people are finding it much more challenging for other, much more serious reasons. “We go for walks, and that’s nice, but it’s not the same.”

A bit of excitement amid the daily drudge has been the rapturous response to the much-anticipated fourth season of The Handmaid’s Tale, airing weekly now on Crave and CTV Drama. (The show, which films in Toronto, had a nearly two-year gap between seasons, thanks to the pandemic shutting down filming, which resumed last September.)

In the show, based on Margaret Atwood’s novel, Brugel plays Rita, one of the “Marthas” (a class of women who are domestic workers in elite households). This season, she’s among the Marthas who have escaped dystopian Gilead for Canada—shepherding a group of children to safety with them. Rita is finding her old life hard to shake, despite discovering the small joys of sushi and Diet Coke. Brugel let us in on the experience of filming the season and her hopes and dreams for her character. [Spoiler alert! If you haven’t seen the fourth season yet, do not proceed.]

What was it like to come back to the Handmaid’s set after such a long break?

“We were just so thrilled to be back together—I think I can speak for everyone. It had been the longest we’d been apart in four years, and we truly are a family. The season itself is much more aggressive and violent, but the vibe on set, out of all of the years, was much more joyful because we were just so happy to be working and back with our people.”

Was it tricky to come back to playing Rita after so much had happened in the world?

“It was probably beneficial to what her arc has been this season: The idea of feeling sort of lost in a world that you should be enjoying, lost in a new environment, and feeling separated from what your norm used to be. All the things I mulled over during the pandemic, like missing family or routine or normalcy, I feel like Rita is going through them this season. Even though the Waterfords [the Commander’s family Rita served] weren’t family, there was a structure there to her life, and she was able to rely on that. And then suddenly she was thrust into Canada, where everything was new. I felt like I was able to relate to her on a totally different level simply because of living through the pandemic.”

Did working on Handmaid’s Tale hit differently while living through eerily similar social chaos with the U.S. election?

“We’ve been doing it for so long, and it’s mirrored life for so long, that I think we’re used to it. After the first season, it was slightly spooky. None of us anticipated that Trump was going to win, and we were filming our first season when he won and Hillary lost. It’s just something we take in stride, how much this show mirrors what goes in the world.”

How was it filming with the COVID safety protocols on set?

“It was very strict, and it was really difficult, but I’m thrilled that it was that strict. We had training sessions that we had to go to before we even got on set, and then on set we had to operate within our own actor bubble. Within that bubble, you had to wear a mask, goggles and a face shield during rehearsals, so you couldn’t hear your scene partner. A lot of the scenes are particularly emotional, and it was very difficult to try and connect with another human being behind five layers of plastic. You can’t read facial expressions, you can’t hear each other a lot of the time. We got used to it, but you feel hand-cuffed in a way.

Once everything was off, the camera was rolling, so there wasn’t a lot of time to play around and experiment, because we weren’t allowed to have our masks off for a long time. It was hard to get into the groove of it, find a rhythm. We could do a take, and then everyone masked up, goggles back on, and then do it again. If it was the first season, it would have been very difficult, but luckily we all know each other so well that there’s already a trust and the foundation is built.”

Did you get to hang out with your costars when you weren’t shooting?

“For hair and makeup, we were in the same trailer, but separated by heavy plastic curtains. We could scream at each other through the plastic, but we couldn’t see each other. On set, it was wonderful, because we were put in our own area together. We still had to wear masks, but that was our private area to connect and gossip and dance and be our ridiculous selves.”

Has the dynamic between the Commander’s wife, Serena Joy, and Rita, her servant, played out the way that you thought it would?

“Not at all. If I’m being honest, it was a struggle at the beginning because I didn’t really understand or necessarily agree with the direction the character was going in. As I did more research, particularly into people with Stockholm syndrome, and as I played her more, I realized I was given a gift. Instead of playing one emotion, it forced me to make her more human, and we’re just rife with a myriad of emotions. Rita was alone, and she needed someone to connect with, and it made sense that it would be Serena, because she’d lived at her house for a decade. Serena represented the only constant family member that she’d known for a decade. Once I tried to massage her reasoning, and really understand it, I fell in love with the writing of this strange Stockholm syndrome relationship.”

And now Serena’s pregnant! The internet seems convinced that Rita is going to take the baby.

“I feel like I’m the one who started that rumour, and I hope to God they take it and run with it. I’ve definitely suggested to everyone that I can that I want that damn baby. I know the writers, and I know how they work, so I have a gut feeling they’ll take it in the opposite direction. I do think it would be a lovely end to Rita’s story in season five. She did have a son, whom she lost, so to start a new life, and to raise a child and have purpose, would be a beautiful ending for her character.”

Do you really see Rita having a happy ending? Handmaid’s Tale doesn’t seem like that kind of show.

“I do think there will be a few of us who have peaceful endings. I think that for this character in particular, we don’t know anything about her and only now in the fourth season are we starting to see who Rita is. The writers are unpredictable, but I do have faith that she’s one of the characters that audiences want to see being okay, and I think the writers care enough about her that they want her to have some kind of positive ending.”


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