look tired
Photography by Luis Mora

How Can I Look Less Tired?

Start by getting better sleep using these proven strategies

Ask The Kit is the real-talk advice column you never knew you needed. Every Tuesday, editor-at-large Kathryn Hudson answers your pressing beauty and style questions. What’s the best blazer for work? How should you deal with errant chin hairs? What’s the best way to fight frizz? Send your Qs to ask@thekit.ca.

“I hate that I look tired all the time. The first thing I see in the morning is my exhausted looking skin and face. What should I do to brighten up my look?” —Tiffany, Toronto

There is a small part of me that wondered if I sent myself this email, in some sort of middle-of-the-night fugue state while I staggered about my house, picking up errant children’s socks, wiping up sticky spills of Tylenol and browsing designer pendant lights I will never buy on my phone, which has somehow become a sort of dysfunctional substitute for meditation.

All this to say, I relate deeply to your question and often find myself waking up feeling groggy—so, like a sleepy support group, let’s gather some sound advice and help encourage each other to rest soundly. But while I can suggest splashing your face with very cold water (a time-honoured method of battling the puffiness that often makes one look tired) I’d like to suggest that you don’t simply look tired; you are tired, full stop. So, logically, it’s most useful to address the root cause and then let the aesthetic repercussions resolve themselves. Bonus: You won’t feel like falling asleep into your venti latte anymore!

To get some sensible advice, I called Dr. Diane Boivin who is the founder of the Centre for the Study and Treatment of Circadian Rhythms at McGill University’s Douglas Research Centre. “Why are we all so tired?” I asked her when we connected by phone at 8 a.m., while I sipped a jug-sized cup of coffee. There’s no short answer, she explained gently. Sleep disruptions can be influenced by many factors from anemia to thyroid gland issues. Even those of us who don’t have an underlying medical condition might be experiencing physiological changes that can affect our sleep. “There’s an association with the menstrual cycle,” explains Boivin. “We know that before the menstrual phase, there is a greater risk of fatigue, sleep disruption and feeling that we don’t get the amount of sleep we need.” I certainly knew that anecdotally, but I didn’t realize it was actual science. She then detailed the other common causes that can trifle with some women’s sleep: being awake with a baby, being on high alert for a toddler, entering menopause and experiencing hot flashes, and on and on. “Basically, there’s drastic hormonal changes that women experience as we age that can contribute to sleep disruptions—and women are at a greater risk for insomnia than men to begin with.”

“Sleep is part of a cycle, so how badly you sleep can influence your fatigue the next day, but what you’re doing during the day can also influence your sleep.”

So while that paints a bit of a depressingly sleepless picture, there is still a lot you can do to improve your odds of getting a good night’s rest—and look tired less. “Sleep is part of a cycle, so how badly you sleep can influence your fatigue the next day, but what you’re doing during the day can also influence your sleep,” explains Boivin. So, first off, it’s useful to establish a regular bedtime and wake time. Your body is governed by a circadian rhythm that functions best when it’s as regular as a Swiss watch, so sleeping in for hours on the weekend to “catch up” can actually do more harm than good, unless you have the flu. Also, though we live in a sedentary and fluorescent-lit world, try to be active during the day and get a good dose of natural light, especially early in the day, to awaken your body. “To sleep well, you have to live well: You have to exercise sufficiently during the day, because the process that helps you fall and stay asleep—the homeostatic process—is a kind of an hourglass,” she explains. “When you open your eyes in the morning, the hourglass is filled with sand and it takes it sufficient pressure to empty that sand by the end of the day and help you fall asleep.” So if you’ve been sleeping fitfully and are feeling tired, it might be useful to get outside for a brisk walk in the sun instead of curling up for a nap. “When patients don’t sleep sufficiently during the night and then try to catch up during the day, they can just worsen their insomnia by creating disordered patterns.” (And though exercise is a crucial ingredient to baking up a good night of slumber, try to avoid strenuous activity right before bed, which will only get your body revved up. Just ask my husband who lies awake—tossing, turning and bothering me—anytime his hockey league has a 10 p.m. game.)

Prime yourself for sleep by posting up in the bedroom only when it’s time to sleep—and put your phone on a “do not disturb” setting (which still allows for any numbers of concern, like your elderly parents, to reach you in case of emergency). “You don’t need to get woken up by a random call from China or or pop-up alarm from the grocery store telling you there’s a rebate on chicken,” reasons Boivin. “And certainly don’t watch a movie on your iPad when you’re supposed to be falling asleep because this level of light can push your circadian system and create difficulty both falling asleep and waking up in the morning.”

Your nifty sleep gadget might just be compounding your original issue if you find yourself religiously and nervously checking your sleep score every morning.

Also, while it might be tempting to add-to-cart one of the many sleep devices available today that help track sleep quality in the name of improving it, Boivin has a word of caution. “Worry and anxiety are big contributors to fatigue,” she explains. “And that’s important because often there’s a lot of performance anxiety associated with going to sleep or sleeping sufficiently—this anxiety itself can be a significant contributing factor for maintaining insomnia.” So your nifty gadget might just be compounding your original issue if you find yourself religiously and nervously checking your sleep score every morning.

In fact, Boivin has somewhat surprising advice for those of us who are stressing about how to prevent a terrible night’s sleep: Stop worrying about it. “You have to look at the whole picture when it comes to sleep, not a single night,” she says. “You won’t die because you spent one night awake. The body is well designed, and when we go to sleep, we recover a lot of sleep deprivation quickly—especially earlier in the night. It might be recommended to get seven to nine hours of sleep, but you don’t absolutely have to sleep that amount every single night. Obsessing just generates more worries.”

If you’re concerned that you have sleep apnea or sleepwalking issues, seek out a doctor, but if you are simply stressing about sleep, like so many of us are, try skipping caffeine after noon, getting more exercise and shutting off your phone. It’s amazing how restorative a little common sense can be. 

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