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How to Deal with the Most Common Summer Skin Issues

Breakouts, rashes, melasma and more

Bad news: Some of the best parts of summer—sunshine, swimming, spending time in nature—can spell disaster for our skin. But that doesn’t mean you can’t go out and enjoy the gorgeous weather. Apart from treatment options, the key is preventing skin ailments from happening in the first place. “When you have all the good habits, it really helps maintain healthy skin so that you don’t run into problems later,” says Dr. Renita Ahluwalia of the Canadian Dermatology Centre. Read on to find out how to keep your complexion glowing all season long.

How to get rid of acne

During the warmer months, Dr. Jennifer Salsberg of Toronto’s AvenueMD often sees patients developing breakouts or experiencing a worsening of their acne. “It’s hotter out, and when the bacteria on the surface of skin mixes with sweat, it blocks pores and triggers the whole acne cascade,” she explains. We also tend to get oilier in the summer, another major culprit of congestion. To prevent pimples from making an appearance, make sure to tailor your routine to the season. “The skincare regimen that works best for us in the middle of January might not be the right thing come late July,” says Salsberg. She recommends looking for a lighter, water-based moisturizer and exploring the use of topicals, such as retinol, which are often easier to tolerate when it’s humid out. (Just make sure to be diligent about sun protection when using these as some topicals can be photo-sensitizing.) Beyond products, regularly cleaning your pillowcase and mask can also make a huge difference in keeping your skin clear.

How to lessen melasma

“Melasma is what I see most in my practice during the summer,” says Ahluwalia, noting that it’s most common in olive-skinned women between the ages of 20 and 40. A variety of factors play a part, including hormones, but sun exposure is usually what sets it off. It’s notoriously tough to treat, but there are some topicals and devices that can help, though you’ll want to save these for the fall and winter. The rest of the year, it’s all about keeping your skin safe from the rays. Ahluwalia suggests applying an antioxidant serum such as a vitamin C formula right after cleansing to further fend off sun damage. Then, after moisturizing, coat your entire face—lips and ears included—in broad spectrum sunscreen and reapply every two hours or after sweating or swimming. “I tell my melasma patients that the pigmentation on their face is like a magnet to the UV rays,” says Salsberg. “They need to really be mindful of protecting themselves with hats and seeking shade from every angle because any little bit of sunlight that gets through will worsen the pigmentation.

How to beat dryness

It might seem counterintuitive, but many people experience dry skin during the summer. Whether it’s the chlorine in pools, the air conditioning inside or simply the sun, a lot of different factors can leave skin feeling tight or sensitized. For some eczema sufferers, even sweating can cause flare-ups. What you want to do is focus on maintaining the skin barrier, says Ahluwalia. “Moisturize regularly, don’t use anything scented or fragranced and don’t use anything that could potentially irritate or strip the skin.” That means no harsh acids, retinol or scratchy scrubs. You also want to be particularly mindful of using a gentle, non-soap-based cleanser so as not to overdry your skin. “The other thing with dry skin is that different sunscreens can aggravate it,” notes Salsberg. “I tend to suggest looking toward more of the physical blockers [as opposed to chemical filters] as sometimes dryer skin can tolerate that a bit better.” 

How to treat heat rash

First things first, make sure to identify the type of rash you have. For example, if you’re seeing linear streaks and red scaly skin, you may have gotten contact dermatitis from poison ivy or poison oak. That would require some over-the-counter or prescription cortisone, depending on the severity. If your skin gets red and blotchy after being outside, you could have a sun allergy and should look into seeing a dermatologist. A heat rash, on the other hand, presents small, red, itchy bumps and can occur anywhere you sweat. What happens is that our sweat glands become blocked, therefore trapping sweat in the skin. The best thing to do is minimize sweat to begin with. Keep it lightweight and breezy with your clothes and wash off your sunscreen so that you’re not getting additional clogging of the pores,” says Ahluwalia. You also want to avoid doing strenuous activity during peak heat times, especially when outfitted in tight workout gear. Luckily, a true heat rash usually goes away on its own, but if you’re finding it bothersome, grab some hydrocortisone cream from the drugstore to help with itching and tingling. 

How to deal with flushing

Some people get it when they eat spicy foods, others find caffeine makes it worse. While triggers vary a lot from person to person, heat is usually on the list. “Flushing is a challenge, so keeping cool and trying to avoid situations where you flush is the best bet,” says Ahluwalia. SPF is also essential. “Sun protection is super, super important in these patients because we know that the sun can further destabilize skin and trigger the flushing response,” says Salsberg. If you get a lot of background redness, you could consider looking into prescription agents that work by constricting blood vessels temporarily. Furthermore, there are a lot of over-the-counter topicals that also help to reduce redness with various calming ingredients. 


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