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You Could Really Use a Good Stretch Right Now

Stiff neck? Sore back? There’s a stretch for that

God, I miss massages. Warm oil and firm hands untangling every knot. Tenderized limbs sinking deep into the bed…Between the end-of-the-world stress and the improvised work set-ups, we could probably all use one right now. Alas, we’ve got to find other ways to quell the tension, and one of those is the oft-overlooked stretch.

“A lot of people don’t value stretching in the same measure as they value strength, but it does so much for the body,” says Amanda Cyr, an Essentrics master trainer. Created by former Canadian ballerina Miranda Esmonde-White, Essentrics is a “dynamic stretch workout” that’s all about working the body in its full range of motion and easing pain through movement. It lubes up fascia and unlocks tight joints and tissue, kind of like, well, a massage.

“The body does so much for us but too often we don’t do a lot for it,” says Cyr. Here, she breaks down simple stretching exercises we can do at home to care for our bodies and help relieve tension.  

If you feel tension in your neck

“A lot of the tension that causes pain in the neck actually comes from lifting the shoulders,” explains Cyr. So the first thing you want to do is actively relax your shoulders. “Focus on your shoulder blades sliding down your back, then slowly start to lift one arm up to the ceiling and alternate sides a few times.” Next, lift both arms up, flip your palms out to the sides and pull your elbows together behind you. Push out your arms then bend them back a few times to stretch through the front of your chest. Make sure to move slowly, says Cyr. “A soft approach works well when it comes to areas of tension because if you work too hard or too fast, your body will go into protective mode and will contract more.”

If your low back is sore

As we sit around more or hunch over our laptops, our spine can begin to express some discontent. “The low back carries the bulk of the load to begin with,” says Cyr. “If our alignment changes and we place even more load on it, that’s when we get that pain. There’s also a lot of fascia that sits there, so it’s a very key spot.” To help take some of the burden off the low back, try pulling your tailbone under and bringing your arms forward to really round out your spine. Move in and out of this position to stretch out all the muscles in your back. “This will help relax that stiff tissue that’s locked in place from sitting all day.”

If you have tight hips

Your hips are huge intersections in your body. You have your thigh bone meeting your pelvis and muscles crossing over every which way. And while more static stretches like a pigeon pose or happy baby can feel good in the moment, they won’t provide relief in the long run. Instead, Cyr recommends more dynamic movements encompassing the entire hip. For example, try standing next to a chair and putting one leg on the seat, keeping your knee bent and your foot flexed. Holding onto the chair for balance, start to externally rotate your knee out then in. “Just from doing this a few times, you’ll feel a stretch in the outside of your hip,” she says. “Focus on keeping your spine long and finding movement in that hip area.” 

While these stretches can certainly help, Cyr stresses that it’s key to stretch the entire body regularly for optimal relief. “We’re sitting eight to 10 hours a day at home right now. It’s more important than ever to prioritize the health of our body and all our joints and tissue so that we just feel good.”



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