Advertise with the Archdiocese of New York’s exclusive media outlet

The Good Newsroom™ is an award-winning newsroom offering advertisers a variety of media channels, including a website, app, and e-newsletter. Video is featured prominently in our reporting to better capture nuances and details in our stories and is ideal for video ads.

The Good Newsroom is a multi-channel media outlet, created to provide a welcoming place to share information about the good news of the Catholic Church with New York’s diverse communities and bring people closer to the faith.

As part of the Archdiocese of New York, the newsroom launched in November of 2022 to amplify stories about the good works of the Church. Videos and articles are published daily in English and Spanish.

If you want to reach community-minded New Yorkers, The Good Newsroom can help you. Our target audiences are Catholic families, neighborhoods, parishes, as well as non-Catholics and those who are nominally Catholic.


In today’s challenging news environment, our content is trustworthy. It engages, informs, and provides education about Catholics in our area. Highlights include:

      • Breaking news and the latest from the Vatican
      • Inspirational and educational videos from Cardinal Dolan
      • Homilies from the daily Masses at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
      • Happenings and events at Parishes in our area
      • Updates from our Schools, Archcare, Catholic Charities, and the Sheen Center

Our engagement by the numbers

Website: desktop and mobile

    • Over 418,000 visitors since launch
    • Over 26,000 visitors per month
    • 60% access the information on mobile
    • Over 8,500 videos viewed

App downloads

    • Over 11,600 downloads


    • 3,300+ subscribers
    • 49% open rate (above industry standard)

Social Media

    • 2,800 Instagram
    • 6,700 Twitter
    • 9,800 Facebook

Advertising Specifications​

Website Ads

With a variety of news stories published daily on The Good Newsroom™ website, the site gets over 26,000 visitors a month. Video and static ads are accepted.

1 – Homepage square 1

    • Desktop: 300 x 250
    • Mobile: 300 x 250

2 – Homepage square 2

    • Desktop: 300 x 250
    • Mobile: 300 x 250

3 – Homepage leaderboard

    • Desktop: 728 x 90
    • Mobile: 300 x 250

4 – Story page leaderboard

    • Desktop: 728 x 90
    • Mobile: 300 x 250

5 – Category page skyscraper

    • Desktop: 300 x 600
    • Mobile: 300 x 250

6 – In-Video ad

Our videos are viewed thousands of times each month. Add your advertising message to the end of a news video.

Paid Post
(Sponsored Content)

Integrate your story into our platform. Paid posts are clearly marked and appear along with our news stories in the website feed. All paid articles and videos are subject to review for editorial and message standards.

E-Newsletter Ads

Our weekly e-newsletter reaches over 3,300+ engaged subscribers. Our loyal audience yields a 49% open rate. Ads can run in the e-newsletter in two locations, or we can create custom messages.

7 – Monthly Advertiser

    • includes four weekly issues 
    • Size: 1000 x 200

In App Ads

Our app has been downloaded over 11,600 times and allows readers and viewers to get our content ‘on the go’. Mobile app ads appear on the main scroll after every third post or at the end of each individual post.

8 – Main scroll

    • Size: 320 x 50

8 – Story

    • Size: 320 x 50

Pricing and specs


    • Contact us today to lock in current rates. Discounts are available for long-term investments.

    • We offer bundled packages for advertisers looking to advertise on all of our platforms. This is ideal to promote events, products, or initiatives to our readers and viewers.

Static Ad Specs

These specs apply to all static ads.

    • Resolution: 150 dpi
    • Max file size: 300kb
    • Image file type: jpg
Video Ad Specs
    • Size: 1920 x 1080
    • Maximum Length: 30 sec
    • File type: .mp4, .mov
    • Max file size: 1GB