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Video contradicts privacy claim made by fired New York weatherman

Erick Adame gave out his home address, telephone number and discusses his job and his boss during an adult webcam broadcast streamed on the open Internet.

Erick Adame gave out his home address, telephone number and discusses his job and his boss during an adult webcam broadcast streamed on the open Internet.

Former Spectrum News NY1 meteorologist Erick Adame appears in an undated handout image.
Former Spectrum News NY1 meteorologist Erick Adame appears in an undated handout image. (Photo courtesy Spectrum News NY1/Charter, Graphic by The Desk)

A former television meteorologist gave out his home address, cell phone number and other personal details about his life and work to hundreds of viewers during an hour-long sexual encounter that was live-streamed on the Internet last year.

The broadcast calls into question claims made by former Spectrum News NY1 meteorologist Erick Adame that he was the victim of a so-called “revenge porn” plot in which an unknown person send a recording and still images of his online sex broadcasts to his work colleagues and superiors at the television station.

On Wednesday, The Desk obtained a copy of the broadcast that was streamed over the adult website Chaturbate three days after Christmas. During the broadcast, Adame gives out his personal cell phone number and his home address, encouraging anyone who may be watching locally to come by his house for an early-morning sexual encounter.

At one point, a viewer uses the chat feature to post Adame’s full, legal name — the same name that he used on-air at Spectrum News NY1. Adame acknowledges the comment, and the broadcast continues for another 40 minutes.

“At this point, I’m pretty sure my first name, last name, address, has all f–king been out there, and this p—y still hasn’t been f–ked,” Adame complains.

Earlier this week, Adame issued a lengthy statement via his Instagram in which he acknowledged appearing on an adult website where he engaged in sexual activity in front of the camera.

“I acted out my compulsive behaviors, while at home, by performing on camera for other men,” Adame wrote. “It was 100 percent consensual on both of our parts. I wasn’t paid for this, and it was absurd of me to think I could keep this private.”

Recordings and still images from that video and others were ultimately sent to Adame’s colleagues at Spectrum News NY1, and one person who received them forwarded the files to the station’s human resources department, according to two people familiar with the incident.

Earlier this month, Adame was suspended with pay while the investigation worked its way through Spectrum News NY1 and its parent company, Charter Communications. He was ultimately fired based on comments he made during the December broadcast about his boss, according to a person with knowledge of the situation.

Howard Bragman, a Los Angeles-based crisis manager hired by Adame, told The Desk on Tuesday that numerous allegations about what Adame said and did during the Chaturbate broadcasts — including the claim that he mentioned his boss during a live stream — were “partially or wholly inaccurate.” He declined to respond to a follow-up message asking for clarification on what was inaccurate.

But the video from the December live stream proved that Adame did make comments about his manager while he pleasured himself in front of hundreds of viewers.

“I think it’d be hot if my boss saw me,” Adame said. “I would love my boss to f–k me on camera.”

Later in the broadcast, Adame urges a viewer named “Bad Boy” to give him a phrase that he promises to write across his chest in marker. He ultimately writes the words “Erick Sl-t Adame NY1” on his upper torso, the video shows.

Adame has not commented publicly on the specific remarks he made during that or any other broadcast. But in an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, the weatherman said he hoped his broadcasts streamed on the open Internet would remain private.

“I do feel that I’m a victim, whether or not that’s going to be classified as revenge porn or not,” Adame said in the interview. “Someone intentionally trying to hurt me and make me lose my career, that is obviously a point where I’m a victim.”

On Monday, Adame filed a request in a New York court seeking to compel the website LPSG to disclose information about some members who purportedly posted copies of his Chaturbate broadcasts earlier this year. Lawrence Walters, a lawyer representing the website, told NBC News his client would disclose certain information pursuant to a legal request. Walters has not returned an e-mail from The Desk as of Wednesday evening.

Adame complains that members of LPSG did not have his permission to distribute images from his Chaturbate stream, and that he “had a reasonable expectation that the images would remain private.” But the video from the broadcast in question revealed Adame knew his personal information was being collected and shared by some of the hundreds of people viewing his sexual encounter in real-time.

“Just being a f–king sl-t, nick, giving people all my f–king info,” Adame says in response to a commented posted by a viewer. “Names, address, trying to get f–king whored out by a bunch of dudes.”

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About the Author:

Matthew Keys

Matthew Keys is a nationally-recognized, award-winning journalist who has covered the business of media, technology, radio and television for more than 11 years. He is the publisher of The Desk and contributes to Know Techie, Digital Content Next and StreamTV Insider. He previously worked for Thomson Reuters, the Walt Disney Company, McNaughton Newspapers and Tribune Broadcasting.
