Dream Tapestry

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On view

The Dalí’s Dream Tapestry taps into the phenomenon of dreams using DALL·E, a groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, to transform personal dreams into artistic visions. We all have deeply personal dreams���unique and irrefutable. Yet they are transient, and until now, we could not instantly manifest those dreams into a tangible vision nor share their splendor.

After entering a description of your dream on your mobile phone, your one-of-a-kind Dream Image will be created. It will then be connected with those of the previous Museum visitors to create a collective Dream Tapestry. The result is a dynamic, ever-evolving dream of humanity, presented by Dalí Museum visitors.

Dream Tapestry was developed by The Dalí in collaboration with Goodby Silverstein & Partners, with creative concepting by Minds Over Matter and OpenAI, the creator of the text-to-image AI system, DALL·E, named in part as a nod to the iconic artist, Salvador Dalí.

The experience continues to claim prestigious awards for AI innovation, including two Webby Awards, two Cubes at the ADC Awards, a Best in Show ADDY Award and a Tampa Bay Tech Award. Available only at The Dalí, Museum guests may view and share both their individual Dream Image and the collective Dream Tapestry.