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Articles on Women in science

Displaying 121 - 133 of 133 articles

Scientists can be victims of sexual abuse from their peers just as in any institution. Minerva Studio

We need to talk about the sexual abuse of scientists

The life sciences have come under fire recently with a study published in PLOS ONE that investigated the level of sexual harassment and sexual assault of trainees in academic fieldwork environments. The…

We are all made of stars

Astronomers spend most of their time contemplating the universe, quite comfortable in the knowledge that we are just a speck among billions of planets, stars and galaxies. But last week, the Australian…
We prefer experimenting on our food, rather than cooking it. Neil Munns/PA Archive

Girls are kept out of science jobs by unhelpful stereotypes

The number of girls taking A-level physics has remained stagnant for the past 20 years or more, and the UK has the lowest proportion of female engineers in the EU. Progress on gender equality in science…
Jobs for the girls. By Rhoda Baer, via Wikimedia Commons

Stopping the brain drain of women scientists

You can be forgiven for assuming that gender is not an issue any more in higher education. There are more young women entering universities than ever before and they are graduating each year in their hundreds…
The women of ENIAC, because you don’t need to see another picture of Titstare.

Titstare proves there are still too many dicks in tech

It would be tempting to say the tech industry was reeling this week from the blatant discrimination and misogyny that took centre stage at the TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon in San Francisco. It would be…
Opening minds at an early age. Argonne National Laboratory

‘Women’s issues’ skew the science careers debate

The so called “leaky pipeline” of women in academic science, technology, engineering and maths is a big issue, representing a major loss in talent and creativity. Only 15% of professors in these fields…
Round of golf after lunch, chaps? The 9th Aircraft Engineering Research Conference, 1934. NASA

Women’s contribution to science goes unheard

Even today there are few women graduate students and even fewer women academics, especially in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and maths). Why is this the case, even in 2013, and what…
Women are underrepresented in science, but are programs like those run by L'Oreal the answer? dno1967b

Is it worth it? L'Oreal pays lip service to women in science

Each year, L’Oreal’s Australian and international women in science programs contribute significant sums of money to support research and encourage girls to enter careers in science, technology and engineering…
The same CVs, with the names switched from male to female, had different success rates. CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture

Study confirms sexism in science, so what are we going to do?

Scientists are biased towards recruiting and encouraging men over women into the profession, according to an article published last week in the journal PNAS. In the study, 127 science academics across…
Glamorising women in science or incredibly offensive? You decide.

Science, it’s a girl thing! But I’ll keep my adjustable spanner

You’ve really got to wonder when even is questioning whether the latest European Union campaign to attract girls towards a science career is a spoof. The video being referred to was…
Are we a step closer to equality in Australian laboratories? Argonne National Laboratory/Wikimedia Commons

A breakthrough for women in science

Yesterday, April 11, should be remembered as the day the Australian science community agreed to change. Specifically, it agreed to change the way we work to enable women to fully participate, and to prevent…

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