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Articles on Nobel Prize

Displaying 141 - 160 of 226 articles

An illustration of the collision of two black holes, an event detected for the first time ever by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). The SXS (Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes) Project

An award with real gravity: how gravitational waves attracted a Nobel Prize

The 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to scientists who helped pioneer the discovery of gravitational waves. Australia is playing an important role in gravitational-wave astronomy.
A portrait of Indian poet and musician Rabindranath Tagore. Cherishsantosh/Wikimedia Commons

No, Bob Dylan isn’t the first lyricist to win the Nobel

In 1913, an Indian literary giant named Rabindranath Tagore was the first non-white person to win the literature prize. He wrote over 2,000 songs and, like Dylan’s, they still resonate today.
Author Gabriel García Márquez – the first Colombian to win a Nobel prize, for literature – also dreamed of peace. John Vizcaino/Reuters

Among Colombian Nobel winners and peace seekers, Gabriel García Márquez still looms largest

From the yellow butterflies of his ‘Hundred Years of Solitude’ to his Nobel acceptance speech, author Gabriel García Márquez remains ever present in his country’s peace process.
Is Bob Dylan a poet in the great tradition of Sappho? In the days of Sappho, John William Godward

Explainer: are Bob Dylan’s songs ‘Literature’?

Ancient poems were accompanied by a musical instrument called the lyre – from which we get the word ‘lyric’. ‘Literature’ and ‘poetry’ are categories of our own making - so moving beyond them in a major award seems long overdue.
Dylan is a musician, who has been well recognised in his field. Simon Murphy/Flickr

In honouring Dylan, the Nobel Prize judges have made a category error

Were there really no poets or novelists or essayists - no people who have spent their lives in the field of literature - considered Nobel-worthy? This nostalgic decision is discourteous to writers.
Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos has won a 2016 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to bring peace to the country. Andrea Comas/Reuters

Will Nobel Prize help or hurt Colombia’s peace process?

A week of extreme emotions in Colombia ends with a Nobel Peace Prize for its president. But will it help the country avoid descending back into civil war?
Colombians march in the city of Cali to support the peace deal that was narrowly rejected in an October 2 plebiscite. The 50%-50% vote showed how polarized the country is. Jaime Saldarriaga/Reuters

Santos has won his Nobel prize, but peace eludes the Colombian people

Nobel Prize aside, Colombia continues to choose war over peace and uncertainty over resolution. Is it something ingrained in the national psyche, or the product of a tangled-up political process?

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