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Articles on Carbon budget

Displaying 1 - 20 of 46 articles

Marcin Jozwiak/Unsplash

Global carbon emissions at record levels with no signs of shrinking, new data shows. Humanity has a monumental task ahead

At current levels of emissions, there is a 50% chance the planet will reach the 1.5°C global average temperature rise in just nine years.
According to recent estimates, only 500 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide can be emitted from 2020 onwards if we are to stay below the 1.5 C threshold. Global emissions have already hit 80 billion tonnes since then. (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali)

Climate clock reset shows the world is one year closer to 1.5 C warming threshold

The clock tracks global emissions and temperature data, and uses the most recent five-year emissions trend to estimate how much time is left until global warming reaches the 1.5 C threshold.

Global emissions almost back to pre-pandemic levels after unprecedented drop in 2020, new analysis shows

Most concerning is the long-term upward trends of CO₂ emissions form burning fossil fuels, which are far from trending towards net-zero by 2050.
July 2021 was Earth’s hottest month on record and was marked by disasters, including extreme storms, floods and wildfires. Thomas Lohnes via Getty Images

Climate change is relentless: Seemingly small shifts have big consequences

What might sound like small changes – temperatures another tenth of a degree warmer, sea level a few centimeters higher – have big consequences for the world around us.

Climate policy that relies on a shift to electric cars risks entrenching existing inequities

Electric cars are being touted as the best way to reduce emissions from transport. But a climate policy that relies on individuals paying for new technology runs the risk of aggravating inequities.
Global fossil fuel emissions dropped by about seven per cent in 2020 compared with 2019. But a rebound is likely to occur when lockdowns ease up unless COVID-19 recovery packages focus on ‘green recovery.’ (AP Photo/Michael Probst)

New research suggests 1.5C climate target will be out of reach without greener COVID-19 recovery plans

Several countries have made pledges to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to zero by mid-century. But new research finds the remaining carbon budget will be depleted before we get there.
The Paris Agreement on climate change, signed on Dec. 12, 2015, by almost 200 states, was hailed as the turning point to keep global warming in check. Progress, however, has been insufficient. (UNclimate change/flickr)

The Paris Agreement at 5: Time’s running out. How to get the world back on track to meet its climate goals

The Paris Agreement set countries on a path to limit global warming. Five years on, some progress has been made, but not enough. Decarbonizing the economy will take leadership and imagination.

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