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Articles on Biodiversity

Displaying 1 - 20 of 921 articles

Fast fashion has serious environmental and social consequences. These tips can help you build a more sustainable wardrobe. Members of Extintion Rebellion perform in front of a Zara outlet in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2021. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)

Fast fashion is harming our planet — these 4 tips can help you build a more sustainable wardrobe

In a world dominated by fast fashion, building a slower wardrobe is the key to living more sustainably, saving money and standing out among the crowd.
Staghorn coral spawns near North Key Largo, Fla. Liv Williamson/University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science via AP

The world’s fourth mass coral bleaching is underway, but well-connected reefs may have a better chance to recover

Coral reefs share genetic material across wide areas, with help from ocean currents. This ability is especially important during episodes like the mass bleaching currently occurring.
Black-crowned night herons perch on rocks in the Los Angeles River in Los Angeles. Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Cities contain pockets of nature – our study shows which species are most tolerant of urbanization

Even in a concrete jungle like Los Angeles, wild species show up in surprising places. New research identifies the types of wildlife that best tolerate urban development.
Zoologist Elizabeth Morrison receives the Jamaican giant galliwasp from Mike Rutherford, a curator at the University of Glasgow, on April 22, 2024. Jane Barlow/PA Images via Getty Images

Returning a 170-year-old preserved lizard to Jamaica is a step toward redressing colonial harms

Not all reparations involve money. Returning unique scientific resources is also a way of showing respect and righting past harms.

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