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Articles on Animals

Displaying 1 - 20 of 410 articles

Beyond the social benefits of living with a pet, the connections that companion animals provide can assist in recovery from addiction and lead to better emotional and mental health for unhoused people. (Shutterstock)

How ‘One Health’ clinics support unhoused people and their pets

Many unhoused people have pets, however, accessing health care for themselves and their pets can be a challenge. ‘One Health’ clinics can provide vital health care to unhoused people and their pets.
Sunday Abiodun, 40, a former poacher turned forest ranger, armed with a sword, looks for poachers inside the Omo Forest Reserve in Nigeria, 2023. Abiodun is now part of a team working to protect the Omo Forest Reserve, which is facing expanding deforestation from excessive logging, uncontrolled farming and poaching. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)

Protecting wildlife begins with understanding how best to counter wildlife crimes

Interventions to prevent crime against wildlife can be effective, but significant gaps in our knowledge remain.

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