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University of Sussex

Sussex is a leading research university, as reflected in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. Over 90 per cent of Sussex research activity was rated as world leading, internationally excellent or internationally recognised, confirming the University among the leading 30 research universities in the UK, on a simple average across all scores. 18 subjects rank in the top 20 for research in the UK, across the arts, sciences and social sciences, with American studies ranked number 1 in the UK, Politics number 2, and Art history number 3.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 598 articles

Analogue music enthusiasts configure a modular synthesizer at the Revision festival in Saarbrücken, Germany, March 2016. DPA Picture Alliance/Alamy Stock Photo

Hard work and happy accidents: why do so many of us prefer ‘difficult’ analogue technology?

We have spent a decade researching what’s behind the extraordinary revival of vinyl records, film cameras and other ‘old school’ technology


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