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University of Essex

The University of Essex has been excelling in both education and research for more than fifty years. Essex is gold rated in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF 2017), top 15 in England for student satisfaction (NSS 2017, overall student satisfaction, mainstream universities), and top 25 for research quality in The Times and the Sunday Times Good University Guide.

Founded to be daring and different, the University continues to challenge convention and conduct pioneering research which informs policy and changes lives. We are an international community for original thinkers.

In 2013 we were awarded the only Regius Professorship for political science by HM The Queen. Research informs our teaching, providing a transformational living and learning experience which equips our students with the skills, knowledge and curiosity to build successful careers and lead fulfilling lives. With more than 13,000 students from 140 countries, Essex graduates develop a genuine world view.


Displaying 781 - 800 of 850 articles

New rules on banker bonuses are more bark than bite

The 2007-2008 banking crash ushered in an era of austerity and pay freezes, but bank executives have continued to enjoy disproportionate rewards even though their institutions have been bailed out by taxpayers…
Get in line. Riders keeping out of the wind on the road to Sheffield. Adam Bowie

The science behind Tour de France’s hide-and-seek tactics

When the Tour de France comes to town, it’s a chance to get your gladrags on. This year’s Grand Depart in Yorkshire saw Leeds decked out with yellow flowers, bikes placed in coffee bar windows, statues…
Your lottery is due, say the zodiac signs on the tarot card. kvijesh

Some people think astrology is a science – here’s why

Most people reading this article will have also read their horoscope at least once. Even though scientific studies have never found evidence for the claims astrologers make, some people still think astrology…

Big accountancy firms have a human rights problem

Protest and dissent are the foundation stones of modern societies and have helped secure a measure of democracy and human rights. Against all the odds, ordinary people have struggled to secure universal…
Protestors bust the Belo Monte Dam. Atossa Soltani/Amazon Watch/Spectral Q

It’s not just the World Cup Brazilians are protesting about

The World Cup has highlighted Brazil’s dissatisfaction with the mega-development involved in building the tournament’s infrastructure. But the football stadiums are just the latest in a long line of Brazilian…
Bowe Bergdahl was released in a prisoner exchange on 31 May. Intelcenter Handout/EPA

Can Bowe Bergdahl really have forgotten how to speak English?

When US soldier Bowe Bergdahl was released after being held captive by the Afghan Taliban for five years, his father said his son was “having trouble speaking English”. Many will find this statement incredible…
The slave trade may have been abolished but the job isn’t done yet. stringberd

Time to kick off the UK debate on slavery reparations

Should the descendants of slaves receive compensatory payment? This idea has returned to the US since the publication of a major essay in The Atlantic setting out the case for reparations. Here in the…
Still I rise. EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo

The sorrow and defiance of Maya Angelou

You may write me down in history With your bitter twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise. So begins one of Maya Angelou’s poems, written in 1978. One of her most…
Shell companies can still flourish in sunny tax havens. Gronkh

Don’t be misled by Vince Cable’s talk of corporate transparency

Business secretary Vince Cable has announced his intention to create a public register of UK company ownership in a bid to tackle tax evasion and money laundering by shady corporate bodies. But don’t believe…


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