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Massey University

Massey is a true “University of New Zealand”, with three North Island campuses at Auckland, Manawatū and Wellington and more than 32,000 students studying either on one of the campuses or by distance learning from throughout the world. Set up as an agricultural college in 1927 it is now a comprehensive university with qualifications in humanities and social sciences, business, creative arts, health and sciences.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 418 articles

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Cancer is increasingly survivable – but it shouldn’t depend on your ability to ‘wrangle’ the health system

New research highlights common threads in cancer survivors’ stories, including the effort it takes to navigate the health system, even for a diagnosis, and the struggle to fund unsubsidised treatments.
Trabalho de cientistas neozelandeses com pesquisadores da USP e Unicamp analisou o comércio de alimentos para consumo humano entre 254 países de 1986 a 2020 para calcular os fluxos de 48 nutrientes essenciais durante esse período. Getty Images

Monitor global de nutrientes - criado com ajuda de cientistas brasileiros - rastreia a origem dos ingredientes da nossa comida

Compreender como os principais nutrientes circulam pelo mundo dentro dos alimentos comercializados fornece uma visão melhor da saúde da população global e como a desigualdade entre os países a afeta


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