The Pro America Report

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What is The Pro-America Report radio with Ed Martin about?
It’s about people who love America. It’s about being able to say what’s right about America, and how we can make it better. I’ll tell you What You Need to Know about politics, about the swamp, today’s news that’s being filtered out of main news sources, that we as Americans need to know.

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About Ed Martin

Hi, I'm Ed Martin.

Help me drain the swamp, fight the resistance, and help President Donald Trump Make America Great Again!

Ed Martin is the President of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and Phyllis Schlafly’s hand-picked successor to lead her organization.

Ed was nominated by Phyllis Schlafly on January 31, 2015, to succeed her as the President of both Eagle Forum organizations. Phyllis Schlafly, whom the Board elevated to Chairman of the Board and CEO, said, “Ed Martin is uniquely qualified and prepared to carry on the essential educational and political leadership of Eagle Forum that has made it the premier organization of grassroots volunteers in the conservative movement. He is fully committed to all the values and principles that Eagle Forum has always espoused.”

Ed is a lawyer who holds advanced degrees in medical ethics and philosophy and was awarded post-graduate fellowships in Italy and in Indonesia. Ed has served as Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party and as a member of the Republican National Committee. He was chief of staff for Missouri Governor Matt Blunt, where he helped Missouri to pass pro-life and school-choice legislation. Having run for office, Ed is well versed in political strategy and tactics, how candidates win and lose, and how legislation is passed and defeated.

In 2016, Ed co-authored with Phyllis Schlafly and Brett Decker the New York Times bestseller The Conservative Case for Trump. He is also a frequent consultant on various media outlets.

Ed and his wife Carol, a physician specializing in geriatric internal medicine, live in St. Louis with their two sons and two daughters.

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