The Handmaid's Tale Wiki
The Handmaid's Tale Wiki

Washington, D.C., sometimes referred to as the Capital[citation needed] and/or Washington, is a city in The Handmaid's Tale. It is the capital of Gilead where the head of the regime resides,[1] and it was the capital of the United States prior to the Gilead's takeover of the American mainland.[2]

Handmaids in D.C.[]

As the center of Gilead, it is home to a large number of Handmaids numbering in thousands. Capitol Handmaids are subject to the newest reforms of the caste, wearing more sleek overalls while also utilizing a new uniform. This new uniform consists of several "rings" that pierce the mouth for silence, with a "veil" used to conceal the mouth and neck from exposure. Washington is also the source of the newest household aesthetic, being progressively required to meet new national standards and rolled out throughout the nation.[1]


In the Past[]

Before Gilead[]

Washington, D.C. is not mentioned in the story prior to the terrorist attacks.

D.C. Attacks[]

see President's Day Massacre (main article)

After the Takeover[]

It is mentioned in a flashback in Season 1 Episode 7 that DC had fallen to Gilead’s authority, told to Luke as he was being driven to Canada.

The Washington Monument is converted from an obelisk to a massive cross. The former Union Station was destroyed "for the glory of Gilead" and rebuilt since it "was designed by a heretic" according to Aunt Lydia. The statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial had its top half completely removed, leaving only his left fist and legs/feet still intact. (Whether the damage was caused by explosives or machine demolition isn't detailed in the story.) The commemorative text behind it and on the surrounding walls was chiseled off completely.[1]

Present: Season Three[]


Handmaids Tale 3x06 Washington Mall

The Waterfords travel to Washington D.C. to participate in a public prayer in order to coerce the Canadian government into returning Nichole to Gilead. June is ordered to travel to Washington for the event, arriving with Aunt Lydia after the Waterfords. As the train nears Washington, June looks out the window and gets her first look at the converted Washington Monument.

After confronting Serena for betraying her over Nichole, June visits the Lincoln Memorial where the statue of Abraham Lincoln has been partially destroyed. She touches her head against the desecrated statue, staring at it despairingly before donning her cap and face veil and joining the Waterfords for the public prayer.

Diplomatic missions under Gilead Rule in D.C.[]

  • Germany: Trade mission (inc. permitting spare parts for vehicles)
  • Switzerland: Representative office resolving issues involving Gilead and the world
  • Cuba: Trade mission
  • International Red Cross: NGO


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Episode 3.6, "Household"
  2. Episode 2.1, "June"