y comabinator

Ashwin Nandakumar and Ashwin Jainarayanan were working on their doctorates at adjacent departments in Oxford, but they didn’t know each other. Nandakumar, who was studying oncology, one day stumbled across…

Granza Bio grabs $7M seed from Felicis and YC to advance delivery of cancer treatments

While most startups today are creating software, not every upstart enterprise is taking a code-only approach to building a business. Some of today’s most ambitious startups are aiming quite a…

Satellite imagery startup Albedo closes $10M seed round

With Y Combinator Demo Day kicking off tomorrow morning, startups in the current batch are hurrying to make a little news before they show off their recent growth to investors.…

Social shopping-focused Chums announces $3.5M raise ahead of YC Demo Day