
Twilio says “threat actors were able to identify” phone numbers of people who use the two-factor app Authy.

Twilio says hackers identified cell phone numbers of two-factor app Authy users

A technology company that routes millions of SMS text messages across the world has secured an exposed database that was spilling one-time security codes that may have granted users’ access…

A leaky database spilled 2FA codes for the world’s tech giants

Featured Article

How to keep your Twitter secure without giving Elon Musk any money

Late on Friday, Twitter announced a new policy that will remove text message two-factor authentication (2FA) from any account that won’t pay for it. In a blog post, Twitter said that it will only allow accounts that subscribe to its premium Twitter Blue feature to use text message-based 2FA. Twitter…

How to keep your Twitter secure without giving Elon Musk any money

Featured Article

A government watchdog spent $15,000 to crack a federal agency’s passwords in minutes

A government watchdog has published a scathing rebuke of the Department of the Interior’s cybersecurity posture, finding it was able to crack thousands of employee user accounts because the department’s security policies allow easily guessable passwords like ‘Password1234’. The report by the Office of the Inspector General for the Department…

A government watchdog spent $15,000 to crack a federal agency’s passwords in minutes

Yubico, the company behind the popular Yubikey security keys, today announced the launch of its 5 Series keys. The company argues that these new keys, which start at $45, are…

Yubico’s new security keys now support FIDO2

YubiKey goes USB-C

Yubico today announced the USB-C version of its YubiKey 4 authentication dongle. Like the standard USB version, the new YubiKey 4C supports multiple authentication protocols, including standards like Universal 2nd Factor, smart…

YubiKey goes USB-C

Authy, the two-factor authentication startup recently acquired by Twilio, announced its newest product at its parent company’s Signal developer conference today. Authy’s new OneTouch authentication service makes two-factor authentication about…

Authy Launches Simplified Two-Factor Authentication

Google is launching a new Chrome extension today designed to prevent you from recycling your Google password on other sites. Password Alert, which is now available in the Chrome Web…

Google Launches Password Alert Chrome Extension To Keep You From Reusing Your Passwords

Twilio today announced that it has acquired Authy, a Y Combinator-backed startup that offers two-factor authentication services to end users, developers and enterprises. The two companies declined to disclose the…

Twilio Acquires Two-Factor Authentication Service Authy

Hacking into poorly secured online accounts isn’t all that hard, as a few celebrities found out this week. One of the easiest ways to secure your accounts is by using…

Authy Raises $2.3M To Help Prevent The Next Celebrity Hack

One of the common bits of advice you’ll see people giving you around this celebrity picture hack is to enable two-factor authentication on your accounts — including Apple’s. That’s good…

Apple’s Two Factor Authentication Doesn’t Protect iCloud Backups Or Photo Streams

When you use two-factor authentication, chances are you are getting your second factor from a mobile phone app like Google Authenticator or Authy. This makes sense, given that you want to…

Authy Brings Two-Factor Authentication To The Desktop

Google today pushed an update out for Google Authenticator for iOS, the two-factor authentication companion app that makes your Google account and services where you use it to login more…

Don’t Install The Google Authenticator For iOS Update, Unless You Want Your Stored User Accounts Wiped

LinkedIn today announced that it has added optional two-step authentication to its sign-in process. With this move, LinkedIn joins Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook and numerous other services who have recently…

LinkedIn Launches SMS-Based Two-Step Authentication To Prevent Account Hacking