Double Your Donation

Check to see if your donation is eligible for employer gift matching!

Your donation could go twice as far

Did you know thousands of companies match their employee’s charitable contributions?  

Use our Double Your Donation widget below to search for your company and see if your donation is eligible for a matching gift. Matching gift details and instructions on how to submit your request can be easily accessed through the widget once you’ve found your organization.

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Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
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Make your volunteer time go even further

We love volunteers! Our community experts are vital to exposing our students to the world of STEM beyond their school experience.

What’s more, your time could also turn into extra dollars to help fund other programs! Lots of companies not only match their employee’s charitable contributions, but also are able to provide the non-profits you care about with a Volunteer Grant. Which means every hour of your time, being a guest speaker, coaching students, and volunteering for TAF can now go twice as far. Each company has different logistics on how their Volunteer Match program works, so use the search tool above to find out what regulations your employer might have.


Invest today in one student, and the infinite futures they will create.

Support a student today. Your monthly gift will transform classrooms into spaces where the only limit on student learning is their own imagination and curiosity.