PUSHING BACK: Briefing Set in IMC’s Challenge to FCC One-to-One Ruling–Will it Be Effective?

While there is a ton of big news in TCPAWorld right now, undoubtedly the biggest news since December has been the FCC’s new one-to-one ruling on express consent.

If you, somehow, haven’t heard the FCC has changed the lead generation game big time by requiring that consumers choose to hear from only a single company at a time when accepting consent on a webform–and the company must be a “seller” that provides the good or service the consumer is looking for.

Additionally the FCC has required that all calls be “logically” and “topically” related to the transaction that lead to the consent.

Several entities had standing to challenge the FCC’s ruling, although to date only the Insurance Marketing Coalition has elected to do so.

For its part R.E.A.C.H. remained focused on helping small businesses to weigh in on the impact of the one-to-one ruling, hoping that diplomacy will win out and the FCC will soften its stance on the ruling in light of myriad concerns of small business.

The IMC, however, is pushing forward with its Hobbs Act challenge and the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals has set  briefing schedule for the appeal.

IMC’s brief is due April 15, 2024 with the FCC’s brief due May 15, 2024. IMC’s reply is due June 8, 2024.

The briefing sets up a likely oral argument in the October/November, 2024 timeframe. It is conceivable, therefore, although not likely that the ruling will be out before the effective date of the FCC’s new rule–January 26, 2025.

Officially Troutman Amin and R.E.A.C.H. are neutral on this appeal–industry needs to be moving toward more consumer-friendly lead generation tactics and the FCC’s new ruling, although not quite right, is directionally what industry needs.

It is our hope the Commission softens the impact of the rule itself, but if the Eleventh Circuit were to throw it out that would strengthen the role of R.E.A.C.H.’s industry-leading standards. So there appears to be many ways for industry (and consumers) to win here.

We will keep an eye on this.

And for more information on R.E.A.C.H.–membership applications are pouring in–be sure to visit reachmbc.com.

Chat soon.



  1. Fellow nerds might like to know that the initial case (23-14125) has been voluntarily dismissed and a second petition was docketed at 24-10277 (11th Circ.). Cheers!

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