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Morgan Scarboro

Policy Analyst

Morgan was a Policy Analyst with the Center for State Tax Policy at the Tax Foundation where she researched tax trends across the country. Morgan also managed the chartbook and weekly map programs for the state team. Her research has been featured in national and state-based publications, including the Associated Press, Bloomberg BNA, CNN Money, Fox Business, NPR, and the Washington Post. She has testified or presented to officials in four states: Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, and Ohio.

Latest Work

Facts and Figures 2018: How Does Your State Compare? - Tax Foundation

Facts and Figures 2018: How Does Your State Compare?

Facts and Figures is a one-stop data resource comparing the 50 states on over 40 measures of individual and corporate income taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, business tax climates, and more.

1 min read
Georgia tax changes

Tax Reform Moving Quickly in Georgia

In response to federal tax reform, Georgia is poised to reform its own tax code in a way that would make the state more competitive with its neighbors.

3 min read
Where Did Americans Move in 2017?

Where Did Americans Move in 2017?

There are many ways that states can compete with one another for residents, and tax rates and structures should certainly be part of the conversation for states looking to attract new residents.

2 min read