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Shelling attack on disabled substation meant to prevent its restoration — activist

"Ukrainian troops hit the already ruined substation because they want to exclude the very possibility of resuming power supplies to Energodar," Alexander Malkevich said

MELITOPOL, July 5. /TASS/. Ukraine’s shelling attack on the Luch already disable substation in Eenergodar is meant to make its restoration impossible and leave the city without power supplies, a Russian Public Chamber activist told TASS.

Earlier, another member of the Russian Public Chamber, Vladimir Rogov, told TASS that the substation in Energdar, a home to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), had come under Ukraine’s shelling attack. According to ZNPP spokeswoman Yevgenia Yashina, the substation was disabled during a previous shelling attack and had not been operating ever since.

"Ukrainian troops hit the already ruined substation because they want to exclude the very possibility of resuming power supplies to Energodar. This tactic can be called an energocide or an attempt to impose an energy blockade on the city," said Alexander Malkevich, co-chairman of the Public Chamber’s coordination council for the integration of the new regions and holder of chair in social communication of the Azov State Pedagogical University.

According to Malkevich, Ukraine is seeking to paralyze the city’s life.

Ukrainian troops regularly shell ZNPP infrastructure facilities and the city of Energodar. On July 3, Ukrainian drones attacked the Raduga substation, wounding nine ZNPP employees. The Raduga substation, which was partially damaged on June 21, has been the only substation feeding electricity to Energodar since June 19 after another substation, Luch was disable in a shelling attack. On June 5, th city’s authorities announced four-hour power outages every four hours.