• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the current Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here


  1. J

    Resolved MariaDB Upgrade via Plesk

    Hi, I did an update via Plesk to MariaDB 10.11.8 Everything went smooth but than it started with Upgrading the structure of all tables. Step 1 of 8 For more than an hour, the upgrade now pauses at wp_jphpb.i9dW2P_actionscheduler_logs Should I just keep waiting now or is there a way to fix this...
  2. M

    Issue Upgrade Debian 11.9 to 12 fails

    Hi, I try to upgrade the server from debian 11.09 to 12 following the manual steps of https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12377714344983-How-to-perform-dist-upgrade-procedure-on-Linux-server-with-Plesk . At Step 17 server is gone, every try. I don't know why. No connection to plesk, no...
  3. G

    Issue Upgrade from 18.0.56 failed

    Hi everyone, I've tried for long time to upgrade my VPS from OVH (based on Debian 10) to newer version and it always failed on this error : ===> Plesk database scheme upgrade has been started. Applying migrations from: /opt/psa/bootstrapper/pp18.0.61-bootstrapper/migrations/ Migration...
  4. K

    Issue Docker containers don't start after plesk/extension upgrades

    Last night the docker related packages have been updated on the system automatically (containerd.io docker-compose-plugin docker-ce-cli docker-ce). This morning no container was running, although every container should restart automatically. I can see in the syslog around 01:17, that containerd...
  5. P

    Question CentOS2Alma conversion: Your expectations and experience?

    Hi Pleskians, many of you are still using CentOS 7.9. Support for CentOS 7.9 will end June 30th, 2024. Since 2023 Plesk provides a tool to convert a CentOS 7.9 installation to an Alma 8 installation. The conversion tool does pre-upgrade checks, then converts the operating system including...
  6. B

    Resolved MariaDB Upgrade 10.3 -> 10.6 not working

    Hello, we tried to use the tutorial https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12388091703703--How-to-upgrade-MySQL-5-5-to-5-6-5-7-or-MariaDB-5-5-to-10-x-on-Linux- to upgrade from MariaDB 10.3 to 10.6. But it does not work. In step 3: "curl -LsS...
  7. Amadex

    Resolved Problems with MariaDB update on CloudLinux 8

    Hello, I just want to report that we had problems with updating MariaDB 10.3 to MariaDB 10.5 on CloudLinux 8. The server was perfectly working for 2 years on MariaDB 10.3 but due WordPress requirements we needed to update it. The following commands were executed as root: MYSQL_PWD=`cat...
  8. A

    Issue Plesk down after trying to upgrade mysql

    Hello, My VPS is hosted to OVH. I can't access my VPS, even via ssh (I insist: even via SSH). I did a snapshot before a mysql update: unfortunately, I couldn't go through with it... When I came back, I couldn't connect anywhere. So I asked for the snapshot to be installed, but it didn't work...
  9. A

    Question Upgrade to 18.0.54 on Plesk Obsidian on Ubuntu - WordPress & Website Hosting Environment AMI

    I'm subscribed to Plesk Obsidian on Ubuntu - WordPress & Website Hosting Environment AMI that comes with Plesk version 18.0.52. The AMI image with Plesk version 18.0.52 is no longer available on Amazon market place, and AWS recommends me to upgrade to the latest version of Plesk i.e. 18.0.54...
  10. B

    Question Ubuntu 18 -> 20 how to test upgrade properly

    Hello everyone, I'm looking to upgrade a Plesk installation on an Ubuntu 18.04 server with Product version: Plesk Obsidian to Ubuntu 20.04. To ensure a smooth upgrade process without risking any issues on the production server, I plan to create a clone of the Plesk installation along...
  11. J

    Issue Plesk shows me package upgrades for 57 packages, but when i click it it says that all is up-to-date...?

    Hi there System: Plesk 18.x Obsidian on Debian 10.x Problem description: I logged in into my Plesk Server, then it has shown me TWO upgrade buttons: 1.) Upgrade from 18.0.47 Update #1 to 18.0.47 Update #2 2.) The package upgrade button ....first, i was clicking onto the package upgrade...
  12. P

    Issue Upgrade from Plesk Onyx to Obsidian not possible

    Hello I tried to Upgrade my Plesk Onyx to Obsidian. At the webinterface the upgrade option is not available. So I tried to install it via command line. When I try "plesk installer --select-release-latest --upgrade-installed-components" I get the response "Command not found". My OS is...
  13. G

    Question Adding CPU and memory to virtual server after Plesk installation

    Hi, I've searched this forum but had no luck finding any info about recommendations or experience with upgrading / adding vCPU's and memory to a virtual server AFTER Plesk has been installed and configured. Is this a seriously bad idea, or can it be done? Is there any configuration required...
  14. S

    Issue BROKEN UPGRADE: (clos_ssa.so) PHP 7.4.20 - Plesk Obsidian v18.0.44_build1800220614.18 os_Debian 10.12

    plesk Message: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'clos_ssa.so' (tried: /opt/alt/php74/usr/lib64/php/modules/clos_ssa.so (/opt/alt/php74/usr/lib64/php/modules/clos_ssa.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /opt/alt/php74/usr/lib64/php/modules/clos_ssa.so.so...
  15. Z

    Resolved How to significantly upgrade MariaDB

    Hi, I'm currently running MariaDB 10.2.44 and I'm considering upgrading to 10.6.x. I would like to know how to upgrade. Can I upgrade from MariaDB 10.2 to 10.6 all at once? Or should I repeat the upgrade one by one like 10.2 to 10.3 and 10.3 to 10.4? Thanks,
  16. S

    Question upgrade from centos 6

    hello my centos 6 vps + obsidan is ready for retrired and i have some choice to evaluate. i wander what is your recommendation between this to avoid hassle make a backup, reinstall vps with debian + obsidian( already included in distribution) and restore backup buy a sandbox vps to migrate...
  17. W

    Issue Nextcloud (Extension) Upgrade Error

    Hi there! I'm trying to update my nextcloud extension which runs on a subdomain of another (wordpress) website. I'm getting this error in the Plesk GUI: The Logfile shows the following: tail -f /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/.nextcloud/data/4e9d1a52acaa/updater.log 2021-09-28T12:14:08+0000...
  18. M

    Resolved Update Failed System unreachable

    Hi Everyone, I started an upgrade to Obsidian 18.0.34 on Windows and left the update running. I came back after a couple of hours expecting to see the update complete, but I was confronted with a failure. This all I get when I try to get to my server. Server Error 500 Plesk\Exception\Database...
  19. H

    Question Upgrade to Obsidian from Onyx

    HI, I am currently using Plesk Onyx 17.8 in windows server. Some of the accounts hosted in the server is required to install dotnet 3.1. Since the Plesk version, I am using will not support the required dotnet version. I might have to upgrade the Plesk version itself, although I am also looking...
  20. Franco

    Issue Cannot upgrade Plesk - incorrect password

    Hello, I am trying to upgrade from 18.026 to 18.0.27 and at first I had this issue Resolved - Update to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.27 keeps failing, but I could go around it as per suggestion and start the upgrade. However, I then get the following message: Plesk pre-upgrade checking... WARNING...