As Manhattan Borough President, Mark Levine is not just talking change – he's making it happen. His impact is felt across the borough, from expanding green spaces for cooler, healthier neighborhoods to securing millions in interest-free loans for small businesses.

Tackling the most pressing issue facing New Yorkers today – the housing affordability crisis – Mark proactively identified key development areas in his groundbreaking "Housing Manhattanites" report. He's also fast-tracking affordable housing projects and pushing for policies that ensure everyone has a place to call home.

He has been a fierce defender of tenants' rights, championing New York City's Right to Counsel law – the first of its kind in the nation – which guarantees free legal counsel to tenants facing eviction.

Mark recognizes that quality of life also means addressing everyday needs. He championed legislation to expand and improve access to public restrooms in the city, culminating in the passage of two bills in the City Council and the adoption of new measures by the Mayor's office. This citywide initiative aims to ensure that all New Yorkers and visitors have access to safe and hygienic facilities.

In addition, Mark launched the "Shed the Shed" initiative to tackle the proliferation of sidewalk sheds in Manhattan. Understanding the negative impact these structures have on businesses and pedestrians alike, he is working tirelessly to streamline the process for removing unnecessary sheds and ensuring that necessary ones are well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing.

Mark has been at the forefront of combating the growing threat of antisemitism in the borough and beyond, working to create the Office of Hate Crime Prevention and advocating for stronger legal protections against hate crimes.

His dedication to advocating for Democratic candidates in the borough was exemplified by his 2022 campaign, "Wake Up Dems!" This initiative was instrumental in rallying voters in Manhattan to protect the Democratic majority in New York State.

A forceful opponent of the MAGA movement nationwide, Mark has used his platform to promote Democratic values and candidates who stand against divisive and harmful policies.

Mark's unwavering commitment to a more equitable, resilient, and affordable Manhattan underscores his vision for a city where every resident can thrive.