Cancer Query System: Historic SEER Delay-Adjustment Ratios

The Cancer Query System (CanQues) provides delay-adjustment ratios for the current SEER submission and prior SEER submissions. The ratios are computed as the delay-adjusted rate divided by the unadjusted rate, and are almost always greater than one.

Delay-adjusted rates (age-specific and age-adjusted) are now available in SEER*Stat and no longer included in the Cancer Query System

The delay-adjustment ratios can be used to delay-adjust cancer incidence counts when matched to corresponding by-groups (site, race, sex, age group, and year of diagnosis).

Questions or comments to: SRP Technical Support

Visit the CanQues Website to access other databases including those for cancer incidence, mortality, survival and stage, lifetime risk, and prevalence statistics.

Last Updated: 17 Mar, 2021