
Duo and Meet have combined into a new Meet app. Meet (original) users can download the new app.

Use Google Workspace keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts help you get more done with fewer clicks.

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Gmail keyboard shortcuts

Turn on keyboard shortcuts

  1. Open Gmail .
  2. At the top right, click Settings and thenSee all settings.
  3. Scroll to the Keyboard shortcuts section and select Keyboard shortcuts on.
  4. At the bottom, click Save Changes.

Note: To see a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, open Gmail and press Shift + ?.
Use ⌘ for Mac or Ctrl for Windows, Chrome OS.

Write an email Keyboard shortcut
Compose c
Add Cc recipients ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + c
Insert a link ⌘/Ctrl + k
Compose in a new tab  d
Add Bcc recipients  ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + b
Send ⌘/Ctrl + Enter
Read an email Keyboard shortcut
Previous message in an open conversation * p
Mark as read Shift + i
Expand entire conversation * ;
Next message in an open conversation * n
Mark as unread Shift + u
Collapse entire conversation * :
Format text Keyboard shortcut
Bold ⌘/Ctrl + b
Underline ⌘/Ctrl + u
Italics ⌘/Ctrl + i
Remove formatting /Ctrl + \
Interact with an email Keyboard shortcut
Select conversation x
Add conversation to Tasks  Shift + t 
Snooze b
Archive e
Reply r
Reply all a
Forward f
Categorise an email Keyboard shortcut
Mark as important + or
Mark as not important  -
Open label as menu  l
Select starred conversations * + s
Navigate your inbox Keyboard shortcut
Go to Inbox g + i
Go to your sent messages  g + t 
Go to your drafts g + d
Go to all mail  g + a

Conversation view must be enabled.

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Chrome Browser keyboard shortcuts

Note: For a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, see Chrome keyboard shortcuts.
Use ⌘ for Mac or Ctrl for Windows, Chrome OS.

Open and close tabs Keyboard shortcut
Open a new tab and jump to it ⌘/Ctrl + t 
Reopen the last closed tab and jump to it ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + t
Jump to a specific tab ⌘/Ctrl + 1 through ⌘/Ctrl + 8
Close the current tab or pop-up  ⌘/Ctrl + w
Open and close windows Keyboard shortcut
Open a new window  ⌘/Ctrl + n
Open a new window in incognito mode ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + n
Close the current window ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + w
Minimise the window ⌘ + m
Alt + Space + n
Use Chrome browser Keyboard shortcut
Search the web  ⌘ + Option + f
Ctrl + k
Open the downloads page in a new tab ⌘ + Shift + j
Ctrl + j
Open options to print the current page ⌘/Ctrl + p
Open options to save the current page ⌘/Ctrl + s 
Open a file from your computer in Chrome browser ⌘/Ctrl + o + select a file
Save your current webpage as a bookmark ⌘/Ctrl + d
Jump to the address bar ⌘/Ctrl + l
Open the bookmark manager ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + o
Sign in as a different user or browse as a guest ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + m
Open the history page in a new tab ⌘ + y
Ctrl + h
Quit Chrome Browser ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + q
Customise Chrome browser Keyboard shortcut
Open your home page in the current tab ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + h
Make everything on the page smaller  ⌘/Ctrl and - 
Make everything on the page bigger ⌘/Ctrl and +
Return everything on the page to the default size ⌘/Ctrl + 0
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Calendar keyboard shortcuts

Turn on keyboard shortcuts

  1. In Google Calendar, click Settings and thenSettings.
  2. At left, click Keyboard shortcuts.
  3. Check the Enable keyboard shortcuts box. 
  4. Click Back  to return to Calendar.

Note: To see a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, open Calendar and press Shift + ?
Use ⌘ for Mac or Ctrl for Windows, Chrome OS.

Navigate your calendar Keyboard shortcut
Change your calendar view to the next date range j or
Move to the current day t
Refresh your calendar ⌘/Ctrl +r
Go to the settings page s
Change your calendar view Keyboard shortcut
Day view 1 or d
Week view 2 or w
Month view 3 or m
Agenda view 5 or a
Create and edit events Keyboard shortcut
Create a new event c
See an event's details e
Delete an event Delete
Undo z
Save event (from the event details page) ⌘/Ctrl + s
Return to calendar grid from an event details page Esc

Jump to Tasks and Keep

Use Google Keep and Google Tasks in a side panel while you're in Calendar.

Keyboard shortcut

To go to the side panel, use these shortcuts:

Windows Ctrl + Alt + . or Ctrl + Alt + , 
Chromebook Alt + Shift + . or Alt + Shift + ,
Mac Option + ⌘ +. or Option + ⌘ +,
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Drive keyboard shortcuts

Note: To see a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, open Google Drive and
press Shift + ?.

Use ⌘ for Mac or Ctrl for Windows, Chrome OS.

Create folders and files Keyboard shortcut
Document Shift + t
Presentation Shift + p
Spreadsheet Shift + s
Drawing Shift + d
Folder Shift + f
Form Shift + o
Select items Keyboard shortcut
Select or deselect item  x
Select next item down j
Down arrow
Select next item up k
Up arrow
Select next item to the left h
Left arrow
Select next item to the right l
Right arrow
Clear all selections  Shift + n
Interact with items Keyboard shortcut
Open selected item Enter + o
Rename selected item n
Share selected items  .
Move selected items to new folder z
Star or unstar selected items s
Undo last action  ⌘/Ctrl + z
Open menus Keyboard shortcut
Create menu c
More actions menu a
Sort menu r
Settings menu t
Navigate in Drive Keyboard shortcut
Go to navigation panel (folders list) g + n
g + f
Go to details pane g + d
Show or hide details pane d
Show or hide activity pane i
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Docs keyboard shortcuts

Note: To see a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, open Google Docs and press ⌘ + / (Mac) or Ctrl + / (Windows, Chrome OS). 
Use ⌘ for Mac or Ctrl for Windows, Chrome OS.

Common actions Keyboard shortcut
Copy ⌘/Ctrl + c 
Cut ⌘/Ctrl + x
Paste ⌘/Ctrl + v 
Paste without formatting  ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + v 
Undo ⌘/Ctrl + z
Redo ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + z
Insert or edit link  ⌘/Ctrl + k
Find ⌘/Ctrl + f
Format text Keyboard shortcut
Bold ⌘/Ctrl + b
Italicise ⌘/Ctrl + i
Underline ⌘/Ctrl + u
Strikethrough Option/Alt + Shift + 5
Superscript ⌘/Ctrl + .
Copy text formatting ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + c
Format paragraphs Keyboard shortcut
Increase paragraph indentation ⌘/Ctrl + ] 
Decrease paragraph indentation ⌘/Ctrl + [ 
Numbered list ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + 7
Right align  ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + r
Left align  ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + l
Bulleted list  ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + 8
Add comments and footnotes Keyboard shortcut
Insert comment  ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + m
Open discussion thread ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + Shift + a
Insert footnote  ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + f
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Sheets keyboard shortcuts

Note: To see a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, open Google Sheets and press Ctrl + / (Windows, Chrome OS) or ⌘ + / (Mac).
Use ⌘ for Mac or Ctrl for Windows, Chrome OS.

Common actions Keyboard shortcut
Select column Ctrl + Space
Select row Shift + Space
Insert a link ⌘/Ctrl + k
Insert new sheet Shift + F11
Format cells Keyboard shortcut
Bold ⌘/Ctrl + b 
Underline ⌘/Ctrl + u
Italic ⌘/Ctrl + i 
Apply right border Option + Shift + 4
Apply top border Option + Shift + 1
Clear formatting  ⌘/Ctrl + \
Center align  ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + e
Right align ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + r
Left align ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + l
Apply left border Option + Shift + 2
Apply bottom border Option + Shift + 3
Change rows and columns Keyboard shortcut
Hide row  ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + 9
Group rows or columns Alt + Shift + Right arrow
Unhide row ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + 9
Ungroup rows or columns Alt + Shift + Left arrow
Add notes and comments Keyboard shortcut
Insert/edit note Shift + F2
Insert comment  ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + m
Open comment discussion thread ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + Shift + a
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Slides keyboard shortcuts

Note: To see a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, open Google Slides and press Ctrl + / (Windows, Chrome OS) or ⌘ + / (Mac).
Use ⌘ for Mac or Ctrl for Windows, Chrome OS.

Common actions Keyboard shortcut
New slide  Ctrl + m
Select all ⌘/Ctrl + a
Open link Alt + Enter
Select none ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + a
Insert or edit link Ctrl + k
Format text Keyboard shortcut
Bold ⌘/Ctrl + b
Italic ⌘/Ctrl + i
Underline ⌘/Ctrl + u
Increase font size ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease font size ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + <
Bulleted list ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + 8
Move and arrange objects Keyboard shortcut
Group ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + g 
Ungroup ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + Shift + g
Nudge up, down, left or right Arrow keys
Select next shape Tab
Select previous shape Shift + Tab
Switch between slides Keyboard shortcut
Move to previous slide Page up
Up arrow
Move to next slide Page down
Down arrow
Add notes and comments Keyboard shortcut
Insert comment ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + m
Enter current comment Holding ⌘/Ctrl + Enter
Open comment discussion thread ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + Shift + a
Navigate presentations Keyboard shortcut
Open speaker notes panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + s 
Open animations panel  ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + Shift + b

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Google Meet keyboard shortcuts

Note: To see a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, open Google Meet and in a video meeting and press Shift + ?

Accessible info (requires screen reader) Mac Windows/Chrome OS
Announce who is currently speaking Ctrl + ⌘ + s Ctrl + Alt + s
Announce current information about the room Ctrl + ⌘ + i Ctrl + Alt + i
Announce recently received reactions Ctrl + ⌘ + x Ctrl + Alt + x
Meeting controls Mac Windows/Chrome OS
Show or hide captions c c
Turn camera on or off ⌘ + e Ctrl + e
Mute or unmute your microphone ⌘ + d Ctrl + d
Increase the number of participant tiles Ctrl + ⌘ + k Ctrl + Alt + k
Decrease the number of participant tiles Ctrl + ⌘ + j Ctrl + Alt + j
Show or hide meeting chat window Ctrl + ⌘ + c Ctrl + Alt + c
Show or hide participants Ctrl + ⌘ + p Ctrl + Alt + p
Raise or lower your hand Ctrl + ⌘ + h Ctrl + Alt + h
Minimise or expand your video Ctrl + ⌘ + m Ctrl + Alt + m
Push to talk Press and hold spacebar Press and hold spacebar

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