Include your business info in your ads

Include your business info in your ads so people can get familiar with your business, give you a call, or visit your location. This info is shared across all ads in a campaign.

Show a call button in your ad

Turn this option on if you want people to call you directly from your ad.

Show your address in your ad

Show your address in your ad and link to your Business Profile and driving directions to your location. We use the address from your Business Profile. To update your address, go to Business Profile.

Learn more about getting started with Business Profile

Learn more about linking your Business Profile to your Smart campaign

Verify your business address

You’ll need to verify your address in your Business Profile profile so your Smart campaigns can run properly.

  1. Find the campaign to edit.
  2. On the "Ad text, images & landing page" card, click Edit.
  3. Click the Business info tab.
  4. Find “Show your business name in your ad”.
  5. Click Business Profile to access your profile.
  6. Complete the steps to verify your business address.

Include your business name in your ad

Sometimes we might use your business name in your ads to help you reach more people and boost campaign performance.

  • If you haven’t linked your Smart campaign to a Business Profile, you can edit your business name.
  • If you’ve linked your Smart campaign to your Business Profile, we’ll use the business name you use with Business Profile.

Adding or editing your business info in your ads

  1. Find the campaign to edit.
  2. On the "Ad text, images & landing page" card, click Edit.
  3. Click the Business info tab.

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