About in-account notifications

When Google Ads has information we want you to see right away, we'll display a notification right in your account, in one easy-to-find place.

Google Ads notifications generally serve one of three purposes:

  • Alert you to a potential problem with your ad delivery or campaign set up
  • Announce a new Google Ads feature or update
  • Suggest an opportunity to help improve your campaigns’ performance

Examples of in-account notifications

Important alerts about your account are designated with a red triangle . These messages alert you to critical issues with your account, like if your ads aren’t running, or if your billing information is outdated.

Notifications about new Google Ads features or system updates are indicated with a blue “info” icon Info_icon. These notifications can inform you about new reports available to help you track your performance in a different way, for example, or a new tool that can help you choose better keywords.

Opportunities for improving your account performance are indicated with a yellow light bulb Opportunities_yellow_bulb. These suggestions are tailored specifically to your account and generally advise an action you can take, such as adding keywords or targeting options that could help you reach more customers.

Viewing your notifications in your Google Ads account

The most critical alerts, such as those informing you that none of your ads are running, show in a red bar at the top of your account screen.

Important but less critical notifications are displayed in a preview bar near the top of your screen. Click View all in this preview bar to see a full list of your notifications.

You can click options like View and Fix it to be taken to pages to address the problem, or click Learn more to read about the issue in the Google Ads Help Center. Click Dismiss to remove the notification from the list.

If you have only lower-priority notifications waiting for your attention, there won’t be a preview bar, but you will see an exclamation point next to the bell icon near the top of your screen. Click the exclamation point to see your messages.
You can also change your preferences to receive these as notifications by email.

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