Netflx’s “Tell Them You Love Me,” Magic at the Horizon, & More

It is officially summer now. Despite being someone who wrote an essay called, “Why I Hate the Beach,” I have begun swimming on a regular basis when the weather is warm, and I love it. I am fortunate to live half a mile from a beach, and I have friends who accompany me into the waves. Getting in the briny water each day, even briefly, has become a great summer pleasure. I hope you are enjoying some time outside, too.

Netflix recently released the documentary, “Tell Them You Love Me,” about the Anna Stubblefield episode, a famous case of sexual abuse that involved facilitated communication, the discredited method of communication that I have written about in the past. Colin Wright asked me to write about the documentary on his site Reality’s Last Stand, and I took the opportunity to give some of the history of this pseudoscientific technique and its variants. The Stubblefield story is complicated by issues of race and power, but at its core is Stubblefield’s delusional belief in facilitated communication. My article can be found here, but it is paywalled for the first two weeks of publication. Email me if you would like a copy now, and I will send it along.

A scene from “Four Adventures of Reinette and Mirabelle” (1987).

My latest column in Skeptical Inquirer is about some interesting perceptual phenomena that happen when the sun or moon is near the horizon. The article, “Magic at the Horizon,” was inspired by two classic films by the French director Eric Rohmer, “The Green Ray” and “Four Adventures of Reinette and Mirabelle,” both of which involve characters who give special significance to rare events involving the horizon. In the process, I also discuss the moon illusion, mirages, and the three phases of twilight.

Finally, I was recently interviewed by two Brazilian friends, Guilherme Brambatti Guzzo and Gabriel Dall’Alba on their YouTube channel “Nas Trilhas da Razão” (On the Trails of Reason). We had a delightful free-ranging conversation about irrationality, superstition, the beauty of science, and how to be a better person through uncertainty. You can watch the video here.

I will leave you with a picture of the local beach, where I swim. Happy summer!


DuBois Beach, Stonington Borough, CT.

Profs Suing Profs & A Big Award

And what is so rare as a day in June?
Then, if ever, come perfect days.

—from June by James Russell Lowell (1819 – 1891)

Happy June to all!

My latest “Behavior & Belief” column for Skeptical Inquirer, “Scientists on Trial: Follow the Money” is about the shocking development of Harvard professor Francesca Gino suing three other professors for $25 million. The trio operate a blog called Data Colada where they exposed what they viewed as evidence of fabricated data in four of Gino’s published studies. The free exchange of ideas—including the ability to criticize each other’s work—is an essential feature of the scientific enterprise, and the introduction of expensive lawsuits into the field will undoubtedly have a chilling effect. In the column, I speculate about how things have come to this.

I spent the Memorial Day weekend in Philadelphia at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International. Some time ago, I retired from attending professional conferences, but in this case, I was there to receive an award for the “Effective Presentation of Behavior Analysis in the Mass Media.” This recognition was given for my writing about behavior analysis in books, such as Going Broke: Why Americans (Still) Can’t Hold on to Their Money, in my monthly column for Skeptical Inquirer, and in various other places. I am enormously grateful to have received this award, and it was nice to see many old—and some new—friends while in the city of brotherly love.

I am enclosing both a shot of me receiving the award from Ruth Anne Rehfeldt, president of the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis, on stage at the conference and a closer view of the very large (it weighs 10 lbs!) glass sculpture award. It was quite a project getting it safely home on the train.

That’s about all I have for you. Last week I went to New York City to see Manhattanhenge, but cloud cover prevented us from witnessing this pagan festival. By way of compensation, I’m including my latest sunset photo of Stonington Harbor taken from the end of the Town Docks. All for now.


A Short May Report

A quick post on what is one of the first really warm spring days of the year here in Connecticut. A very welcome development.

My latest column for Skeptical Inquirer magazine, “Skip the Doctor, Just Diagnose Yourself,” is about the growing trend of self-diagnosis in autism and other psychiatric conditions. One of the features of the neurodiversity movement is the rising popularity of self-diagnosis, a new do-it-yourself movement that dismisses the need for professional opinion. As a very famous example, Elon Musk makes the claim that he has Asperger’s syndrome (now part of autism spectrum disorder), but his biographer reported that he was never formally diagnosed. I outline the extent of self-diagnosis, the role of social media in spreading it, and several potential drawbacks.

As mentioned in my last message, in April I gave a talk entitled “Identity, Advocacy, and  Autism Pseudoscience” at the annual convention of the Texas Association for Behavior Analysis in Houston. The talk was livestreamed and recorded, however, the video is not publicly accessible. I hope it does become public at some future point, and I will let you know if that happens. In the meantime, here is a screen shot of me at TxABA in Houston. 

Also mentioned last time, I will be speaking at the annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) in Philadelphia at the end of May. It happens to be the 50th anniversary of ABAI. I will be participating in a panel discussion entitled “Strategies for Effective Public Engagement and Outreach” and I will make brief remarks at another session at the convention. I will have more to say about this in a future message. It has been years since I attened the ABAI convention, so I am looking forward to connecting with some old friends.

That’s it! More news as it develops. In the meantime, I hope the weather is as wonderful where you are as it is here. Happy spring!


New Articles, Upcoming Talks, & the Eclipse

This is my first post of 2024, so it would be hard to accuse me of spamming your inboxes. Happy Spring!

In the intervening months, I have written three “Behavior & Belief” columns. In January I wrote about the possible psychological consequences of lying to our children. In it, I confessed that I promoted belief in Santa Claus in both of my children. The lie was later revealed, and both children—now adults—seem to be doing fine. Nonetheless, there is evidence that other kinds of lying has adverse effects.

My February column was about new research out of Israel that suggests that almost everyone is superstitious. This somewhat shocking result appears to have been created by a more sensitive measure of superstition. We will need more research to clarify this provocative finding, but the investigators seem to be onto something.

My latest column, inspired by the recent film Anatomy of a Fall, is “Savoring Uncertainty: A Skeptic Goes to the Movies.” In it, I sing the praises of “puzzle films,” Film Noir, and other movies that fail to provide closure or happy endings. Research suggests that people who like these kinds of films have many of the personality characteristics that encourage critical thinking.

In the coming months, I have a few speaking engagements. On April 12, I will be giving a talk entitled “Identity, Advocacy, & Autism Pseudoscience” at the Texas Association for Behavior Analysis in Houston. From May 24 to 26 I will be at the Association for Behavior Analysis International conference in Philadelphia. I will have more to say about that event in a future message.

I will be traveling to England in September, where I will give a talk for the Cambridge Skeptics on Tuesday, September 10, and another for the Greenwich Skeptics in the Pub (London) on Wednesday, September 11. I will have more details about these talks as the time approaches. The last time I planned a speaking trip to England, the pandemic prevented me from going, so, now that I’ve planned a similar trip, I’m hoping we can avoid another plague.

Finally, I should remind you that on April 8 in the United States, there will be a solar eclipse. Here in Connecticut, the sun will reach a maximum occlusion of 89.9 percent at 3:28 pm. As luck would have it, on that day I will be in Cleveland, Ohio visiting friends, and Cleveland is in the path of totality. If you want to see how the eclipse will progress where you are, check out this NASA website. I leave you with a picture I took during a partial eclipse in August of 2017. I will be setting up a similar viewing contraption in Ohio.

That’s all for now.



Mozart, Vegas, Rhinos, & Radium

Stonington’s Lobster Trap Christmas Tree

Where did 2023 go? My last post here was entitled “Late August,” and now it’s early December. The holidays are upon us, and once again, Stonington, Connecticut’s huge lobster trap Christmas tree, is in my front yard. (Slight exaggeration. It’s a block away.)

Having finished my stint as interim editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, I hope to return to producing my “Behavior & Belief” column on a more regular basis. I have written two columns since I last posted here. The first is entitled “The Mozart Effect Lives On,” and indeed it does but not in its original form. There is something magical about names associated with genius—Mozart, Einstein, etc—that seems to encourage the expression of unsubstantiated claims, and some of these claims live on like zombies.

My most recent column is “Rhinos and Radium: A Skeptic’s Tour of Paris, Part II.” In 2021, I made a trip to Paris, and when I returned home I wrote a column called “French Science & Pseudoscience: A Skeptic’s Tour of Paris.” This October, I went back to Paris and continued the tour.

Marie Curie

The resulting column includes a short biography of Marie Curie and the rest of her scientifically brilliant family. In addition, there are stories about trepanning, an unclaimed $1,000,000 mathematics prize, and not one but two famous rhinoceroses. I had no idea rhinos were so historical.

Other miscellanies: The Chinese edition of my book The Uses of Delusion: Why It’s Not Always Rational to Be Rational has been released by a publisher in Taiwan. I can’t read it, but perhaps someone out there can.

Finally, in October at the CSICon Skeptics conference in Las Vegas, I gave a Talking Heads-inspired speech, “Start Making Sense,” and somehow I worked in mentions of the US Supreme Court, my own love life, facilitated communication, and Henrik Ibsen’s 1884 play The Wild Duck. The most nervous part of the talk was knowing that Richard Dawkins, Dr. Paul Offit, and Bill Nye the Science Guy were all in the audience. Somehow, I managed to get through it. A video of my talk may appear later, and if it does, I will post it here.

That’s all for now. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. See you in 2024!


Late August: The End of Interim & The Best Minds

Sailboats in the harbor, Stonington, CT.

Where did the summer go? It is August in this little tourist village, and the swimmers and sailors are in peak form.

It has been quite some time since I last visited your inbox because until quite recently, I have been busy finishing up as interim editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine in time for the new editor, Stephen Hupp, to take over. The last two issues produced under my editorship are now in the can. The July/August issue featured a wonderful cover story “The Ideological Subversion of Biology” by Jerry Coyne and Luana Maroja. Since its appearance, the article has been translated into four languages and has drawn worldwide attention.

The September/October issue, which will be out soon, features a cover story on pervasive bullshitters by psychologist John V. Petrocelli. Coincidently, the issue was just being finalized when we received word of the death of philosopher Harry Frankfurt, whose bestselling book, On Bullshit, was the inspiration for Petrocellli’s research on the subject. Frankfurt was a towering figure whose influence on philosophy will be felt for a long time


Norwich (CT) State Hospital

Now that I am back to just being a columnist at Skeptical Inquirer magazine, I will be writing my “Behavior & Belief” column on a more regular basis. My most recent article, “Mental Illness and the Tragedy of Good Intentions” came out on August 17th. It gives a brief history of deinstitutionalization and a review of the remarkable new book by Jonathan Rosen, The Best Minds: A Story of Friendship, Madness, and the Tragedy of Good Intentions. Rosen tells the very moving story of a childhood friend stricken with schizophrenia, and in the process, he offers a clear-eyed view of the glaring problems faced by people with severe mental disorders and those who care about them.

I have been on quite a few podcasts and YouTube shows over the last few years, but few have been more enjoyable than an episode of the Eurotrash podcast with host Zaza earlier this month. We covered many topics and laughed a lot.

That’s all for now. I hope you have a few more sunny days of summer to enjoy before the realities of the fall set in.


Biden’s Superstition, Skeptical Inquirer, and Problems with Peer Review

It has been five months since I last posted here, which is an indication of how busy I have

been editing Skeptical Inquirer magazine. At this point, I have edited two issues of the magazine, the  March/April issue, which featured memorials to our late editor, Kendrick Frazier, and the May/June issue devoted to medical pseudoscience from all over the world. The July/August issue is underway now. It has been gratifying to work on the magazine, but I have decided not to put my hat in the ring to be the continuing editor. The search for a new editor is underway now.

On April 25th Joe Biden announced his re-election campaign—exactly four years after announcing his successful run for the 2020 nomination. That bit of superstition was the topic of an op-ed I wrote for the CNN Opinion page entitled “Biden picks a lucky day to launch his campaign. Is it OK that he’s superstitious?” Writing this piece gave me the opportunity to review the colorful history of presidential superstitions—some of which were worse than others.

Although I am busy editing Skeptical Inquirer, I have not entirely given up writing my Behavior & Belief column for the magazine. My most recent column was “Can We Trust Peer Review Journals?” I describe a number of problems associated with open-access journals. I also recount an embarrassing episode involving Frontiers journals, an open-access publisher that has been associated with a number of shoddy practices.

That’s all for now. Happy Spring!


Kendrick Frazier, Skeptical Inquirer magazine, Delusional Translations, & Test Anxiety

Kendrick Frazier (1942-2022)

In late October, just days before I left for CSICon, the annual skeptics’ conference in Las Vegas, I heard that Kendrick Frazier, the beloved editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine had been stricken with acute myeloid leukemia, a particularly virulent form of the disease. After previously editing Science News, Ken became editor of Skeptical Inquirer in August 1977 and held the job continuously for 45 years. Sadly, Ken’s illness progressed very rapidly, and he died on November 7th. Since his death, many messages of appreciation have come in from all over the world, and this wonderful obituary was published in his hometown newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal. A future issue of Skeptical Inquirer will include a memorial section.

Ken’s death was an enormous loss, and in the following days, I was asked to step in as editor of the magazine. I have never aspired to be an editor and have turned down previous offers to edit professional publications. For me, writing is my most treasured activity, and since retiring from teaching, I have tried to avoid anything that would cut into writing time. But given the circumstances, I agreed to be the interim editor for the magazine until a longer-term plan is established. I did not get a chance to talk to him directly, but I was told that Ken was pleased I would be taking over.

In other news, over the last few weeks, I have been informed that foreign rights to my new book, The Uses of Delusion: Why It’s Not Always Rational to be Rational, have been purchased by publishers in Saudi Arabia and in Taiwan. So Arabic and Chinese readers will soon learn the benefits of—some, not all—delusions.

Finally, I am for now, at least, still writing my column for Skeptical Inquirer magazine, and my latest contribution, “What if Test Anxiety Wasn’t a Disability?” looks at the somewhat controversial question of whether people who suffer from test anxiety should be afforded special accommodations during testing. The article was inspired by some new research that sheds light on the issue.

That’s it for now. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. See you next year.


Book Launch, Autism Politics, & Autumn Comes to New England

Since my last communique, autumnal weather and beautiful multicolored leaves have arrived here in southern New England. I love this time of year. I hope those of you in the northeast get a chance to enjoy the outdoors before the cold weather descends.

The release of my newest book will happen next week, and the launch event will be on Wednesday, October 19 at 6:00 pm at the LaGrua Center in Stonington. The topic will be “Liquor and Temperance in the Borough,” and in keeping with the theme, there will be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available. I will also sign books. My proceeds from the book go to the Stonington Historical Society. If you can make it, please come. It should lots of fun.

My latest column for Skeptical Inquirer is “Autism Politics and the Death of Truth and Freedom.” Most of the piece is a critique of a recent article in the journal Autism that creates the false impression that applied behavior analysis (ABA), the most popular therapy for autism, is abusive and harmful. Given that ABA has been used for 50 years, this is a rather far-fetched assessment, but a surprising number of autism advocates seem to believe it. In my opinion, the article I critiqued was designed to promote a false impression.

That’s all I have at the moment. I will leave you with a picture of me holding up a copy of the new book for the first time. Always a happy moment.


Train Wrecks, Pods, and Future Talks

As John Prine would say, Summer’s end is around the bend just flying / The swimming suits are on the line just drying.

My latest article for Skeptical Inquirer is a review of the status of subliminal messages and psychological priming research in general. This has been a particularly controversial and fraught area, and it was useful to see where things stand at the moment. (Spoiler alert!) I conclude that there is some hope for science to straighten things out before long.

Recently I spent a very pleasant hour on the “Why Do We Do That?” podcast talking to psychologist Ryan Moyer about my book The Uses of Delusion. Among other things, I learned that my first book, Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition, was an influence on Ryan’s dissertation research. This is a relatively new podcast, but so far it seems terrific. You can listen to the episode here.

For anyone who might be in the Philadelphia area, I will be giving what will probably be my last public presentation on The Uses of Delusion for PhACT, the Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking, on September 17th. I have given a few talks for PhACT before, but they were all over Zoom. So it will be a great pleasure to finally meet these people in person. The talk is free and open to the public, and you can find the details here.

Finally, my second book of 2022 launches on October 17th. Stonington’s Steamboat Hotel is a history of the building I live in, now locally known as The Heartbreak Hotel. As I discovered somewhat by accident during the dark days of the pandemic, the Steamboat Hotel has a very colorful history, and almost before I knew it, I was writing a manuscript which The History Press has now agreed to publish. I am giving all my proceeds for the book to the Stonington Historical Society, without whom I could not have written the book.

The official launch of the book will be at the LaGrua Center in Stonington, CT at 6:00 pm on October 19th. On that occasion, I will give a talk entitled “Liquor & Temperance in the Borough,” which is the topic of one of the chapters. Traditionally, hotels have been a popular location for drinking, and they often came into conflict with advocates of temperance and prohibition. In this regard, the Steamboat Hotel was no exception. Copies of the book will be on sale at the event, and there is a plan for some beverages to complement the talk. I am really looking forward to this gathering and hope anyone in the area will consider attending.

That’s it for now.