Once Human

Once Human

gas question
played the beta but didn't get too far. was there a way to acquire gas other than through constantly searching cars? or do you just need to go out every now and then to stock up on a bunch?
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Did they take that mechanic from Days Gone? I didn't get to play this game because it wasn't ready to be played with my graphics card (said something like that)

So, don't know if you're riding on a motorcycle and need to refill the gas canister when you run low.
Last edited by ᴠᴇʟɴs; Jul 6 @ 3:16pm
Spud32 Jul 6 @ 4:05pm 
The main way of getting fuel for your vehicles is from cars yes. The only other way that I am aware is from joining a warband and fighting other players for control of the oil pumps. This will give you premium fuel though, not just the mixed stuff. The conversion rate is bad for vehicles though. Premium fuel refills at the same rate as the mixed stuff.
Edit: you also get premium fuel from the random pumps around the map, these can be completed solo but are a bit of a challenge for some to do so. They also require permits found from random looting.
Last edited by Spud32; Jul 6 @ 4:14pm
I rode everywhere and never managed to run out of gas and i did not farm all that much for it, just stopped every now and then when i saw several cars together. So unless they changed it, it should not be an issue as long as you just loot cars every once in a while.
ty y'all appreciate it~
u can craft it. refineries. think u MIGHT need the super version which is a memetic specalization. but ANYONE can build it for u in ur base also
loy Jul 7 @ 12:21am 
in pve serv : ( i don't know the pvp serv way)

you can build a pump on you territory wich pump oil and build a raffenerie tower, you can did event with card on raffenerie near strongold with "raffenerie permit"( premium fuel) and another way is to do raid boss wich give prmium fuel in reward too.
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Date Posted: Jul 6 @ 2:55pm
Posts: 6