Once Human

Once Human

Free to play......Dead to me
Ive had this game wish listed for months if not longer, just saw it is free to play, and now its free off my wish list. when will they learn people hate PAY TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!
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Showing 1-15 of 30 comments
GRYPHON Jul 5 @ 2:02pm 
Rip Jul 5 @ 3:17pm 
They swore to God it won't be
zimmiw Jul 5 @ 3:29pm 
@MTXXTCY try to research thing about the game before u talk crap - if u do that u would find out this game dont got pay2play
I am going to win because I am going to buy ALL the cosmetics!!! Oh yeah! I will beat you in PvP with nothing but Cosmetics I bought from the in-game shop!
Get a life kid nobody cares
Originally posted by MTXXTCY:
people hate PAY TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!

wait what?
Van Jul 6 @ 1:38pm 
Originally posted by MTXXTCY:
Ive had this game wish listed for months if not longer, just saw it is free to play, and now its free off my wish list. when will they learn people hate PAY TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!
people hate pay to play? huh? what are you on about... this is free to play so why would people hate it? There is no subscription or anything are you missing a few brain cells or something?
I think you mean pay to win (P2W) because pay to play (P2P) is WoW as in subscription model and Once Human is not that. Buy to play (B2P) is you buy the game and than you can play like New World. Free to play (F2P), which this game is, is you DL it and you can play it with no money needed.

Now if you mean P2W the Devs said this won't have any as stated above by others. It will have a cash shop with cosmetics if I'm not mistaken. I'd be more worried about the 6 week (?) resets than P2W at this point in time. Of course only time will tell but as of right now there is no P2W.
Last edited by Krome Skulz; Jul 6 @ 3:15pm
Originally posted by MTXXTCY:
Ive had this game wish listed for months if not longer, just saw it is free to play, and now its free off my wish list. when will they learn people hate PAY TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!
People don't hate free to play. You hate free to play because you don't know how to grind for the things you want
Originally posted by MTXXTCY:
Ive had this game wish listed for months if not longer, just saw it is free to play, and now its free off my wish list. when will they learn people hate PAY TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!
See ya. You won't be missed.
hate free to play but also pay to play?

I hope you mean pay to win, either way at least make it make sense before posting
Wo0pin Jul 7 @ 1:08am 
Originally posted by Dark Exile:
hate free to play but also pay to play?

I hope you mean pay to win, either way at least make it make sense before posting
Confused the hell out of me too...
Yhtill Jul 7 @ 1:24am 
I thought that the OP was saying F2P automatically meant 'pay for convenience' or 'pay to progress' and thus 'pay to play.' But it's a moot point.
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Date Posted: Jul 5 @ 1:50pm
Posts: 30