Once Human

Once Human

Gameplay looks boring. What makes you so interested?
explain pls, i want to know why i should look forward to the game or keep it in the trash pile
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Because the gameplay is fun. Shooting mechanics is good. The game is easy enough to not make you want to pull your hair out (like Valheim), but its also hard enough that you will have a hard time with the end game dungeons.

But honestly, if you think the gameplay looks boring, then the game is probably not for you. If you dont like shooting things, dont like gathering resources, dont like building cool houses, if you dont like any of these things, then... Sorry, can't help you.
Fragglewump Jul 3 @ 11:25am 
You have nearly 200 hours on ESO. Dont lecture other people about whats "boring"
Hmm…probably that it is a new game.

But since the game is free, you could just give it a try and see if it was something that entertained you or not. :)
Sounds like you already made up your mind. Either play it or don't. Coming on here and trying to get others to convince you that a game is good that you are unwilling to even try is just childish.
Open world survival shooter base building crafting with a lovecraftian theme and optional PvP .. and i can play it with friends who also like these elements... ticks a lot of boxes for me.

its no GOTY but i had quite a fun time during demo week.

If this kinda of content all bundled together doesn't interest you then leave it on your trash pile.. it could turn into a pay to win gatcha game for all i care (it may very well do just that at some point) but until that happens i'mma enjoy it :)

do what makes you happy so long as you're not making other people miserable. :]
Kai Jul 3 @ 4:49pm 
You do know where this game originates from? There's MTX stuff as well.

In all actuality, a looter shooter with a focus on crafting survival don't need to be always online, and a MMO, and don't technically utilizes it to the fullest either.
Last edited by Kai; Jul 3 @ 4:51pm
For me personally. From what I've seen from the betas so far, the exploration/different means of transporting through the environment (Bike, truck, monster?), the combat that is like Remnant. The ability to play with friends easily. Meaning I can connect my base with a friend and we can move said base easily. Think of that one Vampire game where you can move your base easily without having to tear it all down first. ETC
Gyson Jul 3 @ 9:46pm 
Originally posted by supad:
explain pls, i want to know why i should look forward to the game or keep it in the trash pile

A little under a year ago this game was pretty amazing. But after months of dumbing the gameplay down it's not really a survival game anymore, and it doesn't even have remotely challenging combat any longer.

So what does that leave you with? A game with a 6 week seasonal reset model where you do repetitive tasks on literal checklist to unlock rewards, some of which you'll be able to keep beyond the seasonal reset. You can also build a house on a private instanced island to fill with stuff you collect along the way. And there's a poorly written, low quality story in there for you to click through. All of this set in a visually interesting landscape that will leave you wondering how a development studio could drop the ball so badly.

That about sums up the current version of the game. And I say this as someone who honestly felt an older, vastly better version of Once Human once had a reasonable chance at being nominated Game of the Year, so it's not like I wasn't a fan. But this is how it ended up.
Das Apple Jul 4 @ 1:02pm 
Dunno how it can look boring based on what games you've been playing. But sure as hell it can't be more boring to play then ESO.
Gyson Jul 4 @ 3:00pm 
Originally posted by Das Apple:
Dunno how it can look boring based on what games you've been playing. But sure as hell it can't be more boring to play then ESO.

I don't play ESO, but before you use it as a metric you should be aware that its peak concurrent player count is more than double what Once Human's demo had. And, unlike Once Human's Demo, ESO has its own launcher - meaning the data Steam is capturing is only a fraction of its true peak.

"Boring" is obviously a personal opinion. It certainly seems to be more popular than Once Human.
Originally posted by Gyson:
Originally posted by Das Apple:
Dunno how it can look boring based on what games you've been playing. But sure as hell it can't be more boring to play then ESO.

I don't play ESO, but before you use it as a metric you should be aware that its peak concurrent player count is more than double what Once Human's demo had. And, unlike Once Human's Demo, ESO has its own launcher - meaning the data Steam is capturing is only a fraction of its true peak.

"Boring" is obviously a personal opinion. It certainly seems to be more popular than Once Human.
No ♥♥♥♥ it's more popular than Once Human, it's made by a large company and Elder Scroll has a large following... but ESO looks way more boring. There hasn't been that many open world sci-fi mmo shooters recently so people would be getting on this
Originally posted by Gyson:
Originally posted by Das Apple:
Dunno how it can look boring based on what games you've been playing. But sure as hell it can't be more boring to play then ESO.

I don't play ESO, but before you use it as a metric you should be aware that its peak concurrent player count is more than double what Once Human's demo had. And, unlike Once Human's Demo, ESO has its own launcher - meaning the data Steam is capturing is only a fraction of its true peak.

"Boring" is obviously a personal opinion. It certainly seems to be more popular than Once Human.

No way! An established IP that has been in the market for years is more popular?????
Gyson Jul 4 @ 8:18pm 
Originally posted by Saleem786:
No ♥♥♥♥ it's more popular than Once Human, it's made by a large company and Elder Scroll has a large following... but ESO looks way more boring. There hasn't been that many open world sci-fi mmo shooters recently so people would be getting on this

Originally posted by Fragglewump:
No way! An established IP that has been in the market for years is more popular?????

The company isn't very well loved anymore. The game has been out for 10 years. I think we can safely say that despite all of that it has somehow managed to hold player's attention. Perhaps they don't find it "boring".

Like I said, "boring" is obviously a personal opinion. I really don't know why ESO was even mentioned in this conversation other than someone taking a shot at what someone plays rather than attempting to actually address the question which was raised.
Deadly Jul 4 @ 11:37pm 
Eso still going?/ lmao rip
TAI Jul 5 @ 12:44am 
Hmm.. Still on the fence. Let's get this clear first. It's a FREE TO PLAY. So that means, YES there are mtx in the game. What you expect the game to survive on for monetary use? Good will and wishes? No. The whales are who keeps the economy of Free to play games alive. If you wanna spend, go ahead, up to you. If not, no need. If they paywall the progress of the game, ditch and never look back.

I still gotta see if this game will end up being trashed by NetEase, because they've announced a new open world mmo and I know this ain't it. I have yet to see how aggressive and predatory their mtx would be. But playing their Onmyoji game for years, so not really sure.

So far:

-The story is somewhat ok with me. Frankly I feel like NetEase took some of their good writers from Onmyoji(the writing there was good up until the end of the Celestial arc) and dumped them to write this game and for Harry Potter.

-The graphics... Can't really say it was good during the demo cut. Wonky at best, but the overall design was ok.

-Gameplay can be repetitive, but what can you do? They also added this for mobile, so it gotta be dumbed down for that. Combat is, eh..? Nothing innovative to call home for. It is quite easy to understand. lol

Overall I'll see if I'll stay long. The only thing that'll be lost is my time playing the game. I only want to play it to progress to the story. Any veteran who plays live service or gacha games with great stories, would either stay for the story, or the gameplay, OR the gacha collection (waifu collectors, husbando collectors, collectors in general).

So ya. But it seems you've already made a choice on the game. Up to you man, not like you gotta buy it first to play.
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Date Posted: Jul 3 @ 9:09am
Posts: 54