Once Human

Once Human

How does the wipe work?
I've been hearing there will be regular wipes. What exactly is going to be wiped?
Originally posted by Blackburn, J:
its called a "Soft Wipe" where everything you have crafted or built, including your character, gets wiped every 6 weeks.... the ONLY thing you keep is purchased cosmetics and blueprints... no guns, no armor, no resources, no house, no character, all of that, deleted....
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its called a "Soft Wipe" where everything you have crafted or built, including your character, gets wiped every 6 weeks.... the ONLY thing you keep is purchased cosmetics and blueprints... no guns, no armor, no resources, no house, no character, all of that, deleted....
but if we are lucky, the devs will listen to the community and do away with the wipe crap entirely OR make servers that simply never wipe....
Originally posted by Blackburn, J:
its called a "Soft Wipe" where everything you have crafted or built, including your character, gets wiped every 6 weeks.... the ONLY thing you keep is purchased cosmetics and blueprints... no guns, no armor, no resources, no house, no character, all of that, deleted....
Ouch that doesn't sound very user friendly in an mmo like game.
I can understand wiping the map cos of player built constructs so to ease on the server load... But character wipes? ♥♥♥♥♥.
Reset every 6 weeks will eventually kill the game. I hope they listen and change it to every 6 months, or just no wipes. Ain't nobody got time to play this everyday. You know what, may be that is why they changed the whole game to easy mode, because they want you to be able to progress quickly within 6 weeks. All they have to do is increase the difficulty of the game and remove that wipe BS.
Last edited by Moto Moto; Jun 30 @ 6:14pm
Transferable Content
The following items will be transferred to Eternaland’s Depot before the start of the next season:

Weapon and Armor
Regular Resources: Materials, Medicine, Bullet, etc.
Note: Other data such as Level, Energy Link, map, Stronghold exploration progress, Season Challenge task progress, etc., will not be inherited.

Directly Inherited Items
The following items will be directly inherited to the new season:

Starcharm, Star Source, Mitsuko’s Mark, Stellar Planula, Active Sproutlet
Equip Blueprint (and its star), Blueprint Fragment, Weapon Weapon Accessory, Mod
Furniture Formula (except Memetic unlocked part)
Fashion Appearance, Expression Action, Namecard Title
Character Pinch Face Data
Building House Blueprint
Main Line, Branch Line, Journey’s Completion Progress
Friends Relationship
These guidelines ensure a seamless transition for players, allowing them to strategize and maintain a sense of continuity as they progress through different seasons.
I mean the wipe is pretty harsh for some people. But I do support it as it does get you to play more and more. I’m glad they did however let me keep my character that I create because having to create them over and over again would be a pain in the butt. But thankfully you can save your character that you made. So it is easy to jump back in. That’s the only thing I was worried about, don’t really care for the gears or weapons.
I'll pass unless they just do map wipes.
XashBE Jul 1 @ 6:58am 
But if you keep everything relevant except your level, what's the need for a wipe in the first place?
Just make sure people pay an upkeep to their house and we're all good, no? People leaving will get their spot destroyed, people who stay, get to keep their stuff.
And no, Eternaland is no substitute for having a nice piece of land in the "real" world.
Gyson Jul 1 @ 8:34am 
Originally posted by TheFrackingDane:
Directly Inherited Items
The following items will be directly inherited to the new season:

Starcharm, Star Source, Mitsuko’s Mark, Stellar Planula, Active Sproutlet
Equip Blueprint (and its star), Blueprint Fragment, Weapon Weapon Accessory, Mod
Furniture Formula (except Memetic unlocked part)
Fashion Appearance, Expression Action, Namecard Title
Character Pinch Face Data
Building House Blueprint
Main Line, Branch Line, Journey’s Completion Progress
Friends Relationship
These guidelines ensure a seamless transition for players, allowing them to strategize and maintain a sense of continuity as they progress through different seasons.

I've mentioned this before, but the way they pad out that list of things that are inherited to each new season is pretty silly.

Allowing you to keep your friends list.. how generous! What does this have to do with seasonal wipes?

"Character pinch face data", as opposed to just letting you save your selection from the character creator like many non-seasonal games do.

We can keep our account achievements? Many of these are longer-term goals, and would not work if they wiped them every six weeks. This is for their benefit to make their design function, not ours.

Maintaining quest progression? The story is pretty bad; no one wants to click through it more than once. If they tried to force it on people every six weeks they would revolt.

House blueprints, even though you still need to unlock the memetic tree options (again) and collect the materials (again) to actually make use of the blueprint.. you can't just plop a blueprint down and will an end-game tier home into existence the moment you touch down on the ground after character creation.

Originally posted by SilvaBlad3:
I mean the wipe is pretty harsh for some people. But I do support it as it does get you to play more and more.

I look at the number of people who are saying something akin to "wipes? seasons? Was excited but now I'll pass." and getting the impression they're playing less, or not at all, not more. The drop off after the first season is not going to be insignificant, as it is with many seasonal games.

Also, you don't need wipes to get people to play more. You just need to provide additional content. Which is better, a game that tries to get people to play more by providing more and more content over time? Or a game that tries to gets people to play more by forcing them to restart over and over?

Restarts are good for games like tic-tac-toe, not MMOs.
Last edited by Gyson; Jul 1 @ 8:41am
HypeR Jul 2 @ 3:39am 
hard pass if they wont only do map wipe
Originally posted by Gyson:
Originally posted by TheFrackingDane:
Directly Inherited Items
The following items will be directly inherited to the new season:

Starcharm, Star Source, Mitsuko’s Mark, Stellar Planula, Active Sproutlet
Equip Blueprint (and its star), Blueprint Fragment, Weapon Weapon Accessory, Mod
Furniture Formula (except Memetic unlocked part)
Fashion Appearance, Expression Action, Namecard Title
Character Pinch Face Data
Building House Blueprint
Main Line, Branch Line, Journey’s Completion Progress
Friends Relationship
These guidelines ensure a seamless transition for players, allowing them to strategize and maintain a sense of continuity as they progress through different seasons.

I've mentioned this before, but the way they pad out that list of things that are inherited to each new season is pretty silly.

Allowing you to keep your friends list.. how generous! What does this have to do with seasonal wipes?

"Character pinch face data", as opposed to just letting you save your selection from the character creator like many non-seasonal games do.

We can keep our account achievements? Many of these are longer-term goals, and would not work if they wiped them every six weeks. This is for their benefit to make their design function, not ours.

Maintaining quest progression? The story is pretty bad; no one wants to click through it more than once. If they tried to force it on people every six weeks they would revolt.

House blueprints, even though you still need to unlock the memetic tree options (again) and collect the materials (again) to actually make use of the blueprint.. you can't just plop a blueprint down and will an end-game tier home into existence the moment you touch down on the ground after character creation.

Originally posted by SilvaBlad3:
I mean the wipe is pretty harsh for some people. But I do support it as it does get you to play more and more.

I look at the number of people who are saying something akin to "wipes? seasons? Was excited but now I'll pass." and getting the impression they're playing less, or not at all, not more. The drop off after the first season is not going to be insignificant, as it is with many seasonal games.

Also, you don't need wipes to get people to play more. You just need to provide additional content. Which is better, a game that tries to get people to play more by providing more and more content over time? Or a game that tries to gets people to play more by forcing them to restart over and over?

Restarts are good for games like tic-tac-toe, not MMOs.
There he goes! there he goes again! Commenting on resets! haha
Blake Jul 2 @ 8:25pm 
Originally posted by Blackburn, J:
its called a "Soft Wipe" where everything you have crafted or built, including your character, gets wiped every 6 weeks.... the ONLY thing you keep is purchased cosmetics and blueprints... no guns, no armor, no resources, no house, no character, all of that, deleted....

yeah this does not sound fun at all
Gyson Jul 2 @ 10:14pm 
Originally posted by Tomatokek:
There he goes! there he goes again! Commenting on resets! haha

Yes, in a discussion about resets. But why are you here? Oh, because I'm living rent-free in your head. "haha"
Yeah no, not going to use my time just to see everything be reset every 6 weeks.
Un-listed from wishlist and not going to be sad about it.
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