Once Human

Once Human

So, now it's a season based game ? great...
Devs confirmed it will have wipes every few weeks, literally my hype went from 100 to 0 in a second.
Last edited by The Guitar Gamer 🕹; Jun 23 @ 8:37am
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Showing 1-15 of 92 comments
O…kay? I suggest to go to their discord and voice your opinion there, then :)
d-ichi Jun 22 @ 6:59am 
no way there going to wipe. what would be the point of building a cool house nah ♥♥♥ that theres no way..I hate games like that
Vehemence Jun 22 @ 7:03am 
There is wipes every 6 weeks, however if you took the time to read the threads you'd know that a majority of your stuff carries over and you only have to gather basic stuff again and there is some RNG choices to build mechanics to keep it fresh. Everything that is not carried over is taken to your own private space where it is converted into currency to be used on your private island or for the next season.
Originally posted by d-ichi:
no way there going to wipe. what would be the point of building a cool house nah ♥♥♥ that theres no way..I hate games like that
Your house blue print carries over between seasons including and the cosmetics for it.
Yhtill Jun 22 @ 7:27am 
So now...hasn't it always been that?
Wipe, in every way, it's just a disrespect with my time. You can take Warframe as an example. 11 years old game without wipes and with a solid player base. This is due to work of developers to make the game interesting even if you max everything in it theres no lack of content, story, alternative progression, Seasonal new content with storyline. It is the best example of what a game should do to keep things fresh.
I really liked once human, but wipes are just excuses for lazyness and lack of creativity from the studio. This game has a Huge potential but I'll end up rushing to the first wipe with a 6 weeks countdown (ridiculous) and after the wipe, if I just don't unninstall it, I'll end up only exploring the landscape because I really liked the game design and will end up avoiding the grind, story, quests, events, deviants...
you can farm up a mansion in an hour.. why complain about a wipe? its literally the easiest game on the planet, and possibly the worst.
Wipes is not a big deal, just doing the stuff you did again, and probably faster.

The bad point is in fact it has a big chance to become boring to do the same thing, farming is normal to me, I mean the quests etc...

Maybe implementing a "skip quests and related stuff to them", while having only the bare minimum rewards from those would be good, as the rest of leveling up would be kinda fun with a fresh new character while just "exploring"
Last edited by Flying-_-Sushi; Jun 22 @ 8:26am
Spud32 Jun 22 @ 8:28am 
Originally posted by Flying-_-Sushi:
Wipes is not a big deal, just doing the stuff you did again, and probably faster.

The bad point is in fact it has a big chance to become boring to do the same thing, farming is normal to me, I mean the quests etc...
Quests are carried over and do not need to be repeated, I cannot be bothered typing out a full list of everything that is carried over again. Please read one of the many other posts about this,

Since I didn't know, thanks for clarifying this point for me, and also, I don't see then any problem with wipes anymore
Last edited by Flying-_-Sushi; Jun 22 @ 8:32am
Spud32 Jun 22 @ 8:48am 
Originally posted by Flying-_-Sushi:

Since I didn't know, thanks for clarifying this point for me, and also, I don't see then any problem with wipes anymore
No problem, just in case you want more info, here is a link to a thread I answered earlier with more info.
Exaelitus Jun 22 @ 9:35am 
There can be a list of "look these aren't deleted, you can turn them into $" items 16 pages long. But when the first principle is "character wipe every 6 weeks", it is dead in the water.

Most people don't want their hard-earned characters "killed", and certainly don't want to ground-hog-day the same tasks over and over. This game as proposed will not thrive, and I certainly won't play it.

Someone else hit the nail on the head, wipes are for devs/games that lack sound game design. If you can only prolong players playing your game by wiping their progress, your game-play loop and activities are not sustainable. Any argument that a wipe is needed due to some time-period issue ( cuz that's what wipes deal with ) can be extended over the long term. If it's boring after 7 weeks, a 6-week period wipe won't solve the cause long term. 7-8 wipes later and the problem will resurface anyway.

If you don't agree, or don't understand, of course that's fine, play the game. But don't expect it to last long.
EvilHare Jun 22 @ 10:39am 
Originally posted by The Guitar Gamer 🕹:
Devs confirmed it will have wipes every few weaks, literally my hype went from 100 to 0 in a second.
This has been a seasoned base game since the testings started. I do not know where you got your information, but this has never been anything else.
Gyson Jun 22 @ 11:53am 
Originally posted by Devastator in disguise:
There is wipes every 6 weeks, however if you took the time to read the threads you'd know that a majority of your stuff carries over and you only have to gather basic stuff again and there is some RNG choices to build mechanics to keep it fresh. Everything that is not carried over is taken to your own private space where it is converted into currency to be used on your private island or for the next season.

I think, for some (certainly for me) once a developer requires the player to create and level up a new character (again) to experience the next part of the game they have effectively killed any sense of attachment to that character (and along with it, any immersion in the game world).

Our characters now simply become tools we use to chase down the next set of FOMO unlockables introduced with each season. I am no longer enjoying a game or immersive experience, we are instead mice chasing down the cheese in the maze.

Being able to hoard some of my acquisitions from each maze-run doesn't really make it any better, it just makes the mouse feel more like a pack rat.

Originally posted by Devastator in disguise:
Originally posted by d-ichi:
no way there going to wipe. what would be the point of building a cool house nah ♥♥♥ that theres no way..I hate games like that
Your house blue print carries over between seasons including and the cosmetics for it.

That is is misleading. And I realize it's coming from developer information, but they are framing that information in a way that paints their decisions in the best possible light while deliberating omitting important caveats.

For example, let's use blueprint of your house as an example. This functionality has been missing since CBT2. It wasn't in CBT3 and it wasn't in the demo. Will it return for release? Who knows, because it's a moot point.

Why? Because even if you do get a blueprint of your house that does not mean you can use the blueprint the moment you start the new season on a new server. You still have to level up your character (again) in order to progress through the memetic tree (again) to unlock the skills (again) that allow you to construct the elements of your home.

And you still have to obtain the materials (again) used in the construction of that house. You can not just plop a blueprint down and will an end-game tier home into existence the moment you touch down on the ground as a newly reset level one character.

So, *maybe* your carefully conceived design remains intact as a blueprint for you to use again someday, but you still have to redo a lot of work to make that mean something.

Originally posted by EvilHare:
Originally posted by The Guitar Gamer 🕹:
Devs confirmed it will have wipes every few weaks, literally my hype went from 100 to 0 in a second.
This has been a seasoned base game since the testings started. I do not know where you got your information, but this has never been anything else.

This is not accurate. While it is impossible to know when the developers knew they were going this route (and there are arguments I could make to show how their original design was odds with a seasonal model), seasons became public knowledge in the middle of CBT2. I remember even some of the moderators on the Once Human Discord server being surprised as the rumors started circulating prior to the official announcement.

You should be asking why a feature that has such a massive impact on the game isn't mentioned at all on the Steam store page.
Last edited by Gyson; Jun 22 @ 11:54am
HypeR Jun 23 @ 2:23am 
damn i was waiting for this game im not interested anymore after this its sad
Last edited by HypeR; Jun 23 @ 2:23am
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Date Posted: Jun 22 @ 4:56am
Posts: 92