Websites Website Operational Developers/API Website Operational


User Agent Parse End Point Operational
User Agent Batch Parse End Point Operational
Software Version Numbers End Point Operational
User Agent Database Search End Point Operational
User Agent Database URL End Point Operational
Detect Version 3 End Point Operational
Key Authentication Operational

System Services

User Agent Importing Operational
Weekly Database Extracts Operational
CDN Operational
Help Desk Operational
Version Number Gathering Operational
API Accounts System Operational
DNS Operational
Backups Operational
Grafana/Influxdb Monitoring Operational

Previous incidents

  • January 30, 2023

    We haven't been able to create this week's User Agent Database extract. This is due to a bug in the latest version of mysqldump, outlined in

    Suggested fixes haven't solved the problem for us, but we're continuing to investigate, trying to find a solution.

    I'm sorry for the impact and any inconvenience - Brett

    update: This issue has been fixed and exports are working again.

  • July 15, 2022

    We are currently experiencing sustained downtime of our User Agent Database. This is impacting the ability for users to search the User Agent Database via the API. We are actively working to restore the database and get everything up and running again.

    The underlying Amazon RDS hardware changed to "Failed" status late Friday night (AEST). We have been working over the weekend to bring the database up from our most recent backup.

    Customers who have used all of their monthly search quota have been given courtesy quota to cover any over-usage they may have experienced.

    update: The database is now operational again and search is working. Thanks for your patience and understanding, we apologize for any inconvenience.