ACTION NEEDED: Required updates to your Tealium Connector and File Imports IP Safelist(Whitelist)Planned Maintenance


Tealium’s infrastructure is being expanded to maintain seamless operations with increased server-side traffic. We are adding IP addresses to all of our data processing regions. If you are using safelists (also known as whitelists or allow lists) in outbound connectors, function actions, or file import (except S3), we ask that you include the new IP addresses. The additional IP addresses will be introduced on the following dates: Apr 29, 2024 - US – Oregon May 6, 2024 - EU (Ireland and Frankfurt) May 13, 2024 - APJ (Hong Kong, Sydney, Tokyo) May 20, 2024 - US – US East 1 To check on whether you are impacted by these changes please work with your network and/or security team to see if any of these existing IP addresses are currently configured and add any from the document linked below that are missing. - ap-east-1 (Hong Kong) - ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo, Japan) - ap-southeast-2 (Sydney, Australia) - eu-central-1 (Frankfurt, Germany) - eu-west-1 (Dublin, Ireland),, - us-east-1 (Ashburn, Virginia) - us-west-1 (San Jose, California) - us-west-2 (Oregon) If you don’t find any of the above IP addresses configured in your systems, no further action is needed. Otherwise, refer to the following article to update your list of IPs: Please contact Tealium Support for further help.


Cloud Regions, Server-Side Data Collection and Processing


April 29, 2024 5:00PM - May 20, 2024 5:00PM UTC

April 15, 2024 6:40PM UTC
[Update] Please note that this will start in 14 days as per the schedule outlined.

April 29, 2024 5:03PM UTC
[Update] Additional IPs are now being added to our Oregon region. Update will be sent when this effort is complete.

April 29, 2024 5:33PM UTC
[Update] Additional IPs have successfully been added to our Oregon region and this activity is now complete. Next set of upgrades will be in our Ireland and Frankfurt regions on May 7. That maintenance was postponed by one day from its original date due to a bank holiday.

May 7, 2024 9:01AM UTC
[Update] Additional IPs are now being added to our Ireland and Frankfurt regions. An update will be sent when this effort is complete.

May 7, 2024 9:29AM UTC
[Update] Additional IPs have successfully been added to our Ireland and Frankfurt regions. This activity is now complete. Next set of upgrades will be in our Hong Kong, Sydney, and Tokyo regions on May 13.

May 13, 2024 12:03AM UTC
[Update] Additional IPs are now being added to our Hong Kong, Sydney, and Tokyo regions. Update will be sent when this effort is complete.

May 13, 2024 12:43AM UTC
[Update] Additional IPs have successfully been added to our Hong Kong, Sydney, and Tokyo regions. This activity is now complete. Next set of upgrades will be in our US East region on May 20.

May 20, 2024 5:05PM UTC
[Update] Additional IPs are now being added to our US East region. Update will be sent when this effort is complete.

May 20, 2024 5:48PM UTC
[Update] Additional IPs have successfully been added to our US East Region and this activity is now complete. All regions have now been successfully updated.

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