Over 3 million learners reached nationwide with Anti-OSAEC and CSAEM Classroom based Materials

With great pleasure, we announce the success of our collaborative efforts with the DepEd Learner Rights and Protection Office. Our joint initiative focused on anti-online sexual abuse and Exploitation of Children and child sexual exploitation material (OSEAC CSAEM) classroom-based sessions, which have reached over 3 million learners across the Philippines.

School children doing online safety sessions in the classroom.

Before these sessions, we conducted an online orientation on child protection through the DepEd LRPO, which engaged over a hundred thousand individuals, including teachers, school heads, guidance counselors, learners, parents, and stakeholders.

The OSEAC CSAEM classroom-based sessions have been designed to educate children about online safety and how to protect themselves from various forms of sexual exploitation. These sessions provide children with a comprehensive understanding of the dangers of the internet and equip them with the knowledge and skills to identify and report inappropriate behavior or content they may encounter online.

Apart from enhancing their online safety skills, these sessions also empower children to become advocates for their own safety and the safety of others. By educating their peers and spreading awareness about online safety, children can actively create a safer online community for everyone.

We cannot overstate the significance of OSEAC CSAEM classroom-based sessions in promoting online safety and protecting children from sexual exploitation. The success of this initiative highlights the importance of collective action in safeguarding children’s rights and ensuring their safety. As we celebrate this milestone, we extend our gratitude to all who have contributed to this achievement. We urge parents, teachers, and stakeholders to support these initiatives and encourage children to attend these sessions. Through collaborative efforts, we can continue to create a safer environment for our children and protect their rights.

For more information about Stairway’s e-learning, visit us at https://elearning.stairwayfoundation.org/