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Questions tagged [vercel]

For software-development questions about Vercel, a frontend cloud deployment platform.

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How can I deploy SSR React Application on Vercel?

I have a react application where I am using vercel serverless apis to send emails and text messages. I want to server side render my application mainly for SEO. Previously, I've managed SSR by keeping ...
Musadiq Khan's user avatar
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Astro Deployment Works Locally, Breaks in Vercel

I have a blog-like project in Astro that works perfectly locally. When I deploy it on Vercel, the images under src won't load. My project tree looks as follows: . └── src/ ├── content/ │ ...
Josephine's user avatar
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tailwind css not working on production in vercel

I made portfolio website using nextjs my website is working fine in localhost but on production components where i used tailwind css are spreading or are not intact. for e.g here is my code for nav ...
Shubham Bhatt's user avatar
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Next.js application build Error with '/seed collection failed'||vercel deploy failed

I'm learning on the Next.js Website, and now I have learned Chapter 6 the title is "setting up your database". and then when I was deploying my next application or excute "pnpm run ...
Yasming Meng's user avatar
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Deployment in vercel

Error: No Output Directory named "dist" found after the Build completed. You can configure the Output Directory in your Project Settings. but in my frontend folder in dist it is. so why this ...
Sojitra Kartik's user avatar
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Data from the Notion API not updating when deployed NextJS app on Vercel

I have a blog application in NextJS that takes the posts content from the Notion API. It works perfectly running on localhost, I make changes in Notion and they are loaded normally. But using the ...
ewrt86's user avatar
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Vercel Error 'FUNCTION_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT' when making POST request from Flask Application

The Problem Whenever I try to make a POST request to send an email using SMTPlib through my Flask web application hosted in Vercel I get the following error message FUNCTION_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT. The ...
Oscar Bejarano's user avatar
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Dynamic routes error in Vercel after Nextjs update: Cannot find module 'next/dist/server/future/route-modules/pages/vendored/contexts/amp-context'

I'm getting this error in Vercel preview for dynamic routes using getStaticPaths and getStaticProps after upgrading Nextjs from 13.4.8 to 14.2.4. Fallback paths are working. "engines": { &...
zombiephoenix's user avatar
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How to use Mongo change stream with Next Js (Server-Sent Events (SSE))?

I am working on a Next.js chat application that uses MongoDB to store chat messages. After sending a message, it gets inserted into the collection, but I'm facing issues with reading the messages in ...
Meet Patel's user avatar
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Error: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'mode') vercel deployment laravel

I want to deploy using vercel through the CLI and when I run vercel build everything is safe until npm run build then not long ago it appears the error setting 'mode' I don't know where the error is ...
Roihan Adhen's user avatar
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cannot access vercel/postgres database with sql

i have a postresql db deployed on my vercel account. i used to be able to manage it with sql commands (import { sql } from '@vercel/postgres'). but now, even tough i connected it to the db and pulled ...
burakAydın's user avatar
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How to deploy a monorepo to two different places: Netlify for frontend and Vercel for backend?

I'm working on building a website using Next.js, where I perform some image calculations on user inputs in the backend and render some images on the frontend based on the results. I need to use a Node ...
AryanSonwatikar's user avatar
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Error occurring when fetching data in server component from Vercel-hosted FastAPI

I'm hosting a FastAPI backend server like this Vercel Template: I am trying to perform a fetch call in a Server Component using await fetch(...
Tyler Yu's user avatar
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Build fail when deploying Next project to Vercel

When attempting to deploy to Vercel I get the following errors: This is my Layout.tsx file: import type { Metadata } from "next"; import { Inter } from "next/font/google"; import {...
Arasto's user avatar
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Client-Side 504 Gateway Timeout with EventSource and Vercel (Server Side Event)

I'm encountering a 504 Gateway Timeout error when using EventSource to connect to a Vercel Serverless function endpoint. The setup involves streaming data from MongoDB using change streams to clients. ...
Devesh Maurya's user avatar

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