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Questions tagged [tidyverse]

ONLY use this tag if your question relates to the installation, integration with your system, or inclusion of the entire tidyverse library. DO NOT USE if your question relates to one or two components of the tidyverse, such as dplyr or ggplot2. Use *those* tags, and tag with `r` as well for a better response.

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pivot_longer from multiple columns into a singular names_to and two values_to

I've spent most of the day on this and finally calling in some help. There are multiple entries here on related questions, but none that quite get at what I'm trying to do. Below is an example df. x &...
Scott Davidson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there an elegant way to handle changing number of rows within tidyverse?

In Tidyverse there are limitations concerning the row number resulting from some data processing. Most prominent, mutate expects that the row number equals to the original data set. For example, if we ...
LulY's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Is there a %$% operator?

In the book R for Data Science, there is an operator %$%, as in the example code below. But when I run that code, I get the error message "there is no such operator". Can anyone help with ...
anderwyang's user avatar
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Order columns based of suffix condition in R

The name of my variables looks like this: df <- data.frame(var_NA = 1:10, var = 11:20, var_Level = 21:30, var_Total = 31:40) Except I have lots of variables. The key feature is that for every &...
luchonacho's user avatar
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2 answers

Renaming files with r library("tidyverse”)

I'm trying to rename a bunch of files in r with library("tidyverse”). As is: Snap-551-Image Export-01_c1_ORG.tif The bold section is a running number, starting at 01 going to 150, each number ...
Andreas Kaineder's user avatar
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Convert from long to wide format in tidyverse [duplicate]

library(tidyverse) df <- data.frame(continent = c("europe", "africa"), region = c("north", "west", "south"), ...
always.learning's user avatar
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iterate over groups with `group_walk` in original order

Using dplyr::group_walk, I would like to iterate on the original order of the dataframe. For example: library(dplyr) tibble( group = c("C", "B", "A"), values = c(1, 2,...
crestor's user avatar
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How to change order of one variable in ggplot2 [duplicate]

I need to make a grouped bar chart: pivot_longer(cols = c(2:5), names_to = "name", values_to = "value") %>% ggplot(aes(x = sample_2, y = value, fill = name))+ geom_bar(...
Vojtech Petr's user avatar
2 votes
7 answers

How to count observations after each filter in tidyverse R?

I often apply filters in R, e.g. when selecting a particular sample or feature or excluding implausible values. Is there a fast and easy way to keep track on how many units were deleted after every ...
Marco's user avatar
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Unwrap dataframe while keeping columns from the original dataframe in R

I have R dataframe which has one column delivery_by_region which is a JSON string which when parsed returns a multiple row dataframe. I want to create a new dataframe which has all the rows from ...
Amol Borkar's user avatar
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comparing two groups in a bar plots while incorporparating lower and upper limits in R langauge

I have data frame as below: YOM <- c(2017, 2018, 2019) CO <- c(1159,910,931) PM <- c(159,90,91) upperlim <- c(1998,1302,1745) lowerlim <- c(320,117,320) data1 <- data.frame(YOM, ...
R noob's user avatar
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iteratively apply a function to a dataset via purrr where the function arguments are stored in a tibble

I want to iteratively apply a function (myFun) to a dataset (df) via {purrr} where the function arguments are stored in a tibble (var_question). This is a simple toy example of the use case. library(...
Eric Green's user avatar
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2 votes
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Extract *all* possible patterns in a variable

I have a large variable containing strings (words). I need to extract all substrings that contain any of the patters listed in a separate vector. library(tidyverse) df <- data.frame(Word = c("...
RobertP.'s user avatar
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Color code values conditionally in xlsx produced by openxlsx package in R in a loop

My reproducible code below writes a super small .xlsx file that has two sheets. I was wondering if there might be a way to color-code values of 3 in red, 4 in orange, and 5 in green anywhere in the ...
Simon Harmel's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I filter data frame with multiple dependent filtering criteria? [closed]

I have searched for an answer over the past two days and can't figure this out. I have tidyverse loaded but can use any solution. I have a data frame structured like this. These are arbitrary values ...
aminards's user avatar
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