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Hi, I have only basic knowledge on web dev and I need help on my project to start a new intern job, I need to know where to start and steps to follow

Food recipe site The goal is to build attractive food recipe website that people can browse and can signup/login and share their recipe any user visiting the site should be able to browse recipes ...
league legends's user avatar
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Tailwind config is not respected in nuxt 3, my config options are ignored, I would like to limit tailwind to my content paths

I set up tailwind in my nuxt project and it works great to use basic tailwind styles. But the problem is I can not make any modifications to the tailwind config like changing the content paths. It ...
nightwolf555's user avatar
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(Vite:css) Lexical Error (unrecognised text) in Tailwind Nuxt/ Vue

I've followed this thread ( fix my issue which seems pretty similar with that thread, but I have no luck. I've defined spacing: { 'number': '...
aulia amirullah's user avatar
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duplicate tailwindcss output in SSR production html

I'm using tailwindcss in my nuxt3 project via official @nuxtjs/tailwindcss { "dependencies": { "nuxt": "^3.11.2" }, "devDependencies": { ...
Ginger's user avatar
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How can I render a text of markdown in nuxt v3.11.2 using @nuxt/content v2.12.1

Make sure it is rendering on the server side for SEO reasons. <script setup lang="ts"> const markdown = "# hello world" </script> <template> <LayoutContent&...
YousefHusain's user avatar
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How to create a drawer using headlessui/vue and tailwindcss?

Actually I was trying to make a drawer component using headlessui/vue and tailwindcss. I was exploring headless ui doc for vuejs and tried to find out if any drawer example there but not found. Then I ...
Shuvo's user avatar
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How to implement multiple themes/designs in a nuxt3 project?

I'm trying to develop a website on nuxt 3 and there is one feature I want to implement, but I have no idea how best to do it. My goal is to implement multiple designs with the ability to switch ...
john_psina's user avatar
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Dynamically change the configuration of Tailwind with Nuxt 3

guys! I have a problem that I can't seem to find a solution to. I need to change the tailwind configuration depending on the data I receive from the backend. Why the whole config? It should be ...
raiden's user avatar
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Can i use PrimeVue components with tailwind prefix "tw-"?

I am currently trying to refactor Nuxt 3 project from Bootstrap to Tailwind with PrimeVue components. Because of that, I am using the Railwind prefix tw- for Tailwind classes to separate them from ...
Adam Horváth's user avatar
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How to routing view in a child of view routed?

I have a website use Vue Nuxt Typescript Pinia Tailwind. I don't know how to load a view that view is loaded by route of top navigation cuz inside loaded view I have sidebar menu, I want each choice ...
Daniel Nguyen's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 and tailwindCSS

Im learning nuxt 3 and taillwindcss if i add bagroundImages as an extend in tailwind.config.js first method theme: { extend: { colors: { darkBlue: "hsl(217, 28%, 15%)", ...
Ahmed Abuteir's user avatar
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Tailwind class are not working in my storybook part in nuxt3

I have just launched a nuxt 3.11 project to which I added tailwindcss and when I launch my application my classes load without any problem. However, after installing storybook (and some problems due ...
Florient Plouvin's user avatar
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Vue/TailwindCSS - Content is behind Sidebar

Currently I am working on a project where VueJS + Nuxt and TailwindCSS is used. Within this project there is a Sidebar Component defined as follows: <template> <div > <!-- Static ...
csphmay's user avatar
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Tailwind PrimeVue passthrough not working in Nuxt 3

import path from 'path'; export default defineNuxtConfig({ devtools: { enabled: true }, css: ['~/assets/css/main.css'], modules: ['nuxt-primevue', '@vueuse/nuxt'], primevue: { options: {...
Prem Kumar G's user avatar
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Duplicate CSS Output for (background)Colors in NuxtV3 Project

I've noticed duplicate CSS output for colors in my Nuxt V3 project with Tailwind CSS. For example, when using classes like text-red-400 and bg-primary, the generated CSS includes redundant ...
Lars de Weert's user avatar

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