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Questions tagged [state]

The contents of memory locations, at any given point in the program's execution, is called the program's state.

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Jotai useEffect Maximum update depth exceeded

I'm having an issue with a React native app where i store state in Jotai atoms. My issue lies in my component that updates auth state on app state change. When the app goes from inactive -> active, ...
11Korvar's user avatar
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ExtJS restore state sorters bug for columns in column

I use ExtJS Classic 7.3.1. Hi, tell me what to do, please I found a bug - when restoring a state, if a column has a sorter and is located in ...
Only Best's user avatar
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Tri-State Checkbox, Checkbox with triple status? [duplicate]

I have a problem... I don't know much about HTML, CSS or Javascript and I'm practicing to know more and I set as a challenge to make a kind of book like the one of phasmophobia that has in the ...
Jonathan_Diez_'s user avatar
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going back in my react web app does not change the UI

So I have this wizard in my web app, and I added url's for each state now. My web app is in react but I have a bit of angular (I'm using angular state library.) To change the urls, for example when I ...
doit123's user avatar
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ProgressView Not Updating During Data Parsing in SwiftUI

It's hard to reproduce the full code, but I'll try to explain the issue clearly. I'm trying to display a progress bar view to show the status of parsing some data downloaded online. The function I use ...
Damiano Miazzi's user avatar
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How to Manage User State in Next.js 14: Context, Zustand, or Redux? [closed]

I've been working on a Next.js 14 application that supports two types of users: Admin and User. My goal is to have a globally accessible user state throughout my application without needing to run ...
Jay Hogan's user avatar
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How do i effectively setup and organize Zustand slices into a central store in my nextjs app?

I working on an internal form application management system using NextJS 14. I am allowed to implement my own structure so I decided to use and try out zustand for state management for the first time. ...
Julien Heng's user avatar
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AsyncTelebot message handler not working with a state

I have a problem with states in AsyncTeleBot. message handler not working with state, and i don't have any idea, whats going wrong. Code is below here bot = AsyncTeleBot(token, state_storage=...
Kern's user avatar
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re-render input component not losing focus when re-rendering

I present two different ways to render an input component; E.g.1 function myComponent(){ const [st, setSt] = useState(''); return <...
BumbleBee's user avatar
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How to make view reflect binding object's properties changing internally in SwiftUI?

In this code below, I want the TextField value to be cleared when the button is selected and the object's clear method is called (in reality, my class has many properties so I feel like clearing them ...
learnandgrow's user avatar
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Input unfocused after I type character in my react input field, I think its target issue

If I type anything in my react input field, then it allows me only one character to type and then focused goes outside of the input field and then again I click on input field the allow me to write ...
shubhamsanchela's user avatar
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State is reverting back even after i confirmed its change

so when i click evalute this expression '3+5*6-2/4' then result state is set to 32.5 after that clear function is being triggered and it sets the state to '' and after that when i press 5 it reverts ...
Baljinder Singh's user avatar
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How to make sure state updates that are fired off in succession all execute

If I have multiple state updates that all fire off in rapid succession, the initial state updates will not fully update because they will be overridden by later state updates. How can I make it so ...
noobguy's user avatar
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Hide child component from parent with transition

I created this modal component: interface ModalProps extends PropsWithChildren { /***/ onClose: () => void; } const Modal: FC<ModalProps> = ({ /***/ onClose, children }) => { ...
ED SA's user avatar
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Must the @State variable be updated in the main thread? [duplicate]

Some articles say that the @State variable has to be updated in main thread. But I did some tests and found it is ok to update @State variable in background thread. This is my code: import SwiftUI @...
Rufus's user avatar
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