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Questions tagged [reactjs]

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses a declarative, component-based paradigm and aims to be efficient and flexible.

-1 votes
1 answer

Animation | Transition in React JS

hope you are doing well. I have a question related to implementation of one interactive app. Here is th link to the effect I want to achieve: As you ...
-1 votes
0 answers

The result of MUI text field (FRANK <b>LOVING</b>)render as HTML(FRANK LOVING, loving should be in bold) in React

I have text as FRANK LOVING and here b tag should be rendered as bold like this FRANK LOVING in value of MUI text field. How can i do this in react.js I tried below samples but nothing seems to be ...
1 vote
2 answers

API not found in vercel deployment

I have deployed my web app on vercel using github. Frontend has been loaded but the api request that the frontend is making giving 404 not found. It's a MERN app by the way Here is my vercel.json { ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why Sentry throws "Invalid token" (http status: 401) error for a valid token?

I've got a next.js application that connected to sentry and I'm confident about the token, But when I tried to run npm run build in my app to get output I faced Invalid token (http status: 401) error. ...
26 votes
7 answers

How do I make Material UI container have full width and height?

I am trying to wrap a page in a React project in a Material UI container but it squeezes in all my content with these weird margins. Here is what it looks like: But I want it to look like this with ...
-3 votes
1 answer

How do I configure Vite reverse proxy to test React application?

I am trying to configure a React + Vite application such that the frontend is able to talk to a backend webserver which is running on the same host at port 5555. I have tried to configure Vite to use ...
0 votes
0 answers

Unable to Sign In with Keycloak using NextAuth in Next.js Application [next-auth][error][SIGNIN_OAUTH_ERROR]

I'm trying to set up authentication for my Next.js application using NextAuth and Keycloak. Despite following the documentation, I'm encountering an issue when attempting to sign in with Keycloak. My ...
0 votes
0 answers

UpdateForm.js:78 PUT http://localhost:8080/api/items/4 422 (Unprocessable Content)

I was working on a Small Personal Project of mine of learning purposes. Using ReactJs as Frontend & send requests to Laravel API as Backend. The CRUD application I made is almost complete but the ...
-3 votes
0 answers

I wonder how these css classes can be encoded such as Google, FB [closed]

class="x1qjc9v5 x1q0q8m5 x1qhh985 xu3j5b3 xcfux6l x26u7qi xm0m39n x13fuv20 x972fbf x9f619 x78zum5 x1r8uery xdt5ytf x1iyjqo2 xs83m0k x1qughib xat24cr x11i5rnm x1mh8g0r xdj266r x2lwn1j xeuugli ...
0 votes
0 answers

Yarn Build Error: TS2305: Module '"web-vitals"' has no exported member 'ReportHandler'

I'm using Yarn as part of an intro to React Testing course through Udemy. I am getting this error when executing yarn build: $ yarn build yarn run v1.22.22 $ react-scripts build Creating an optimized ...
-1 votes
1 answer

searching for this font animation but couldn't find

I want to implement this font animation in my project but I don't know what animation is this since I'm not a CSS master please someone can help me in that I really appreciate any help you can provide....
0 votes
0 answers

Can useReducer be used for state management instead of useState?

I have a set of product details stored in in Firestore. I've created a custom hook to fetch the product details. The product categories should be displayed in the matching url param. As I add more ...
1478 votes
28 answers

What are these three dots in React doing?

What does the ... do in this React (using JSX) code and what is it called? <Modal {...this.props} title='Modal heading' animation={false}>
-1 votes
0 answers

Handling react auth with redux-persist

I am working on a React application that uses Redux for state management and Redux Persist for persisting the state. The authentication flow in my application involves receiving a token via a URL and ...
517 votes
34 answers

Cannot use JSX unless the '--jsx' flag is provided

I have looked around a bit for a solution to this problem. All of them suggest adding "jsx": "react" to your tsconfig.json file. Which I have done. Another one was to add "include: []", which I have ...

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