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Firestore snapshot realtime paging

currently i'm working on a Chat project using ReactJS and Firestore. Let say that i have a subcollection messages which contains multiple docs of message. I have a onSnapshot listener to listen newest ...
hieuph13's user avatar
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Can useReducer be used for state management instead of useState?

I have a set of product details stored in in Firestore. I've created a custom hook to fetch the product details. The product categories should be displayed in the matching url param. As I add more ...
Fathima M.'s user avatar
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React app won't write to Firebase Realtime Database

My React app won't write to my Firebase Realtime Database. I am doing everything exactly as the Firebase tutorials say but nothing. No error messages in the console or requests in the network tab ...
Superintendent UI's user avatar
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How to Handle Firebase Notifications in a Web App Embedded in a React Native WebView?

I'm working on a project where I have a React web app that is embedded within a React Native WebView. I'm using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for handling notifications. The web app works fine when ...
Kamran Ali's user avatar
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Profile header not showing ( user not found ) error

so i have created a instagram clone in which i go to the profile section its saying user not found but in my code when i remove the "finally" block its showing only the skeleton but it ...
Kaushik shaw's user avatar
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How can I update/create multiple documents in a collection in firebase?

I'm trying to use a default collection in firebase that a user can overwrite with their own values and save elsewhere. I have a default collection from which the initial values will be drawn, and have ...
Apersu's user avatar
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@firebase/firestore: Firestore (10.12.3): WebChannelConnection RPC 'Write' stream 0x401c795e transport errored

I'm trying to store data at firestore collection but getting this error again and again unable to store data on my messages collection. @firebase/firestore: Firestore (10.12.3): WebChannelConnection ...
Aniket Bhosale's user avatar
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fetch only one data of single document instead of all documents

I'm trying to fetch all data of documents inside the collection but unfortunately the code only fetch data of one single document. const Charities = ({navigation}) => { const [...
Omar Bakoban's user avatar
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Live reload a shared Typescript Library during React + Firebase development

I am working on a small React + Firebase app and I am implementing some backend functions through firebase functions. There are some shared datatypes and logic between the front end and backend and, ...
Someone's user avatar
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Firebase download files from storage with react app

I have the following code const fetchFiles = async () => { try { const eventDoc = await getDoc(doc(db, "events", id)); if (eventDoc.exists()) { const eventData = ...
Maxim's user avatar
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React/NextJS useEffect Timer Incrementing Coins Every Nanosecond Instead of Every Second

I am developing a mining application using React where a timer should increment the user's coins every second. However, the timer is adding coins at an incredibly fast rate (every nanosecond) instead ...
Muhammad Baba Goni's user avatar
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Firebase DocumentReference and Timestamps being lost? [closed]

I'm in the midst of a rework for one of the contexts in my project. It was previously all fetched and filtered on the front end but I was noticing performance issues with large data sets. I decided to ...
Luke Andrews's user avatar
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Firebase Cloud Function Email Body Shows Only "{}" Despite Sending Form Data

I'm working on a firebase cloud Function to send form submissions via email using Nodemailer. I'm currently testing this using the Firebase Emulator. The issue I'm facing is that the email body only ...
Seth Stitick's user avatar
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How do I retrieve data from firestore

I am trying to create a chat app using react vite and firebase, i am using firestore to store and retrieve chats, i imported getFirestore from firebase/firestore, and passed it to the "db" ...
Kevin Anthony's user avatar
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Testing React + Firebase with emulator

I have a Firebase project where I'm using Firebase Functions and Hosting, and React for the frontend. During firebase init, I set build as my hosting directory, which is created by npm run build. For ...
Joy's user avatar
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Getting a Failed to resolve import error even though I am mentioning the correct file path and have exported the variables

I am trying to make a chatting application using React with Vite and Firebase using Google authentication. I created a firebase.js file to contain the firebase SDK and credentials, when I am importing ...
Kevin Anthony's user avatar
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Cloud Build Variables are not getting imported into my React Application

Bare with me as I'm new to a lot of these concepts and my terminology may not be correct. I have a React application that I have running in a Google App Engine. I've set up a Cloud Build to ...
C Knight's user avatar
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Fetching data from firebase and forwarding it to another component forwards an empty array

I am using an array and useState() to fetch the data from the firebase database. The array is initially empty. However after I recieve the data from the firebase after its initial loading and try to ...
NAMAN SAINI's user avatar
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React Firebase Multi-factor Authentication RecaptchaVerifier Error

I am currently trying to enable 2FA login for my users in my React App. However, I keep facing an error with RecaptchaVerifier, specifically this error: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to ...
quik214's user avatar
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Bulding with Vite - Fetch (or paths) not working

I have a simple client-side page, made with React using Vite. The project worked perfectly when running localy (npm run dev), but after running npm run build, a dist folder is created and that's the ...
dobleve_walas's user avatar
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The redirection to the main page after login or registration only works after the second form submission (only on Mobile)

In my Group Counter App, I implemented authorization functionality. Earlier, I had a problem with authorization on PC, and I created a question where I solved my problem. However, now that I have ...
dimonchik11's user avatar
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Fetch each user data from Firestore failed

I'm trying to fetch each user data from firestore based on the user login, between I'm using React Native and firebase. Fetch code const UserInbox = () => { const auth = getAuth(app) const ...
Omar Bakoban's user avatar
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Getting 404 error when reloading page using Firebase Hosting

I have an react + vite project hosted on Firebase Hosting Previously after i deployed changes to hosting, i had and error in console: Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script ...
QFaZo Play's user avatar
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Firebase: Error (auth/operation-not-allowed) when trying to sign in with phone number in Firebase Web

Below is a simple react phone number authentication in firebase. But it seems to throw an error and only works with the number, which I put in the settings of firebase for testing. I have tried ...
Kecko's user avatar
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component is re-rendering after receiving new data from server

I'm trying update my chats list. I'm receiving an object from server using "onSnapshot" query method of firestore and these object represents users, groups and channels. Then I'm combining ...
Dil Ak's user avatar
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None of my react projects deployed on firebase are working [closed]

Whenever I deploy a firebase project and go to the url, it shows me a blank page. Earlier (last year) when I used to deploy they used to work fine. They all run fine locally and even with the build ...
Himanshu Sharma's user avatar
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Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but server responded with MIME type 'text/html' in Vite + React Firebase project

I am encountering an issue with my Vite + React project when deploying to Firebase. The console error I receive is: Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server ...
heshan navindu's user avatar
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"Auth/network-request-failed" on my react js project

I'm working on a learning project using react-router-dom and firebase authentication for user sign-in and sign-up. However, I'm encountering a FirebaseError: "Firebase: Error (auth/network-...
Param's user avatar
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firebase deploy gives black page with error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'

My site was working fine few days back. Today, I tried to change some content and did npm run build and deploy to firebase hosting. My build folder is created good with all the images ...
hari babu's user avatar
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I'm facing this error due to update user image possible unhandled promise rejection (id 3) typeerror network request failed

I'm using React native expo with fire-store and I'm trying to update and upload user image so when I open the album to select a photo then press update button I get this error Here is the Code {/*...
Bashamlan Salem's user avatar
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Issues with React-App deployment using Firebase Hosting [duplicate]

I am trying to host a React Web Application using Firebase's Hosting service, but I am getting this error in console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'. When locally hosted and serving the ...
Gary Chhina's user avatar
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Error: Target container is not a DOM element. Test React Vitest

Issue: An "Error: Target container is not a DOM element" occurs when running tests for a React component that utilizes Firebase to add documents. Observed Behavior: The application ...
Laurine RAT's user avatar
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firebase blocked Mime type react vue

I've been trying to host a vite react app that uses firestore on firebase. The website works locally when "npm run dev" is used. However, when I initialized the firebase hosting and deployed,...
Lady Segura P.'s user avatar
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reactJS + Vite with firebase hosting - failed to load resources, blank web page, not working

Problem: Website only shows blank page with this console error message: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404() GET net::...
Lenin's user avatar
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Google Sign-In Error: "Unable to process request due to missing initial state"

I'm encountering an issue with Google Sign-In in my React application using Firebase Auth. Everything was working fine until June 24, 2024, but now I get the following error when trying to sign in: ...
Dani's user avatar
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Error React Js Firebase show createUser is not a function (using Context)

I am very new to React JS and Firebase. I tried to topic "Building a Firebase Authentication and Private Route System in a React App" After modifying the code and trial ...
Supercosition's user avatar
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The url in my react application is updating but the component is not loading

I am building a web application using react as frontend and firebase for backend. in the login page, after user hit the login button the toastify message displays "login successful", I want ...
Kiran Rai's user avatar
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Firebase - RemoteConfig with custom user properties return wrong value

I am setting userProperties for custom defined property (scope user) and userId in analytics using setUserProperties and setUserId, and fetching remote config based on the setted properties. but i am ...
Zoro's user avatar
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Unable to Upload Image to Firebase in React Native, TypeError: Cannot read property 'showImagePicker' of undefined, js engine: hermes

I'm working on a React Native project where I need to upload an image to Firebase. I'm using react-native-image-picker for image selection and @react-native-firebase/firestore for interacting with ...
Ravi Mishra's user avatar
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Google Cloud Functions for Firebase: How do I render an image response in React?

I'm using Google Cloud Functions for Firebase (GCFF) to make my API calls on the backend of my simple React web app. Here's a simple one that fetches a picture from Wikipedia. I've tried many ...
achalla's user avatar
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Error: Cannot find native module 'ExponentImagePicker' when using 'expo-image-picker' with Hermes JS engine

I'm working on a React Native project where I need to upload an image to Firebase. I'm using react-native-image-picker for image selection and @react-native-firebase/firestore for interacting with ...
Ravi Mishra's user avatar
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Add Popup message After Upload in Nextjs File Sharing APP

I'm building a file sharing app I have build till the upload section when file is uploaded to firebase the progress bar is show to 100% so I need to add a pop up msg after upload. also how to remove ...
ABHY SALIAN's user avatar
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"message": "The request uses the <code>mine</code> parameter but is not properly authorized.",

I am building a youtube clone using youtube v3 api. I used firebase for google sign in. I added scope for youtube using following code : const provider = new GoogleAuthProvider(); provider.addScope(&...
Aditya Nagare's user avatar
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redirection to the main page after logIn or registration doesn't working. firebase, private route, email authentication [closed]

I encountered an issue that I can't solve. In my handleLogIn function within the ContextProvider component, I am using the useNavigate hook to redirect the page to "/" if the user ...
dimonchik11's user avatar
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React. When calling useNavigate, redirection happens, but components do not load

Here is my simple authentication component LoginServiceProvider.tsx: import { useState } from "react"; import {auth, googleProvider} from "../../config/firebase"; import "./...
Gleb Galkin's user avatar
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How to perform a case-insensitive search based on a specific field value in Firestore? [duplicate]

I am trying to perform a query in Firestore where the field name and value should be matched irrespective of the case. For example: fruit = manGo , value = mango code which considers case : const q = ...
ShashidharM's user avatar
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How can I carry user login information from a landing page to the home page in React using Firebase as authentication?

I tried to add the user information (like email and photoURL) to an object but then I couldn't find a way to export it to the home page. I can access the user info locally but I can't use it in ...
Matthieu Michelet's user avatar
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Firebase Auth, React JS, Error: "logIn is not a function"

firebaseConfig.js // Import the functions you need from the SDKs you need import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app"; import { getAnalytics } from "firebase/analytics"; import { ...
LimeBunnyDev's user avatar
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why data is not being retrieved from firestore

const HandleReadData = async () => { let url = "[email protected]" const q = query(collection(db, url)); const querySnapshot = await getDocs(q) let todosArray = [] ...
W ʌɱɩc's user avatar
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Issue with manual url path acessibility with firebase, router and contextAPI [duplicate]

I want to access routes manually by typing the URL address in the browser if the user is logged in. If the user is not logged in, I want to redirect the page to the login page. Additionally, I want ...
dimonchik11's user avatar

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