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Invariant failed: A state mutation was detected between dispatches [closed]

This is the body of the code const tableHeader = [ { title: "Product name", widthClass: "w-[25%]" }, { title: "Product category", widthClass: "w-[19%...
Iroh Nkechi Omolola's user avatar
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Redux State Does Not Change When Modified From useInterval

so im trying to load user data from localStorage and set it to the redux user state. heres what i have done: Where The User Is Being Used: import Fruit from "../components/Fruit" import { ...
AmirparsaDD's user avatar
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Why is my `amount` reading as undefined from my `createSlice`?

I have just started learning Redux with React so I apologize if it is something as simple as syntax. This project prompts me to use a variety of react-redux functions. I have my slice below: /** @type ...
antjuh's user avatar
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How is my useDispatch hook set up incorrectly here?

I have just started learning Redux with React so I apologize if it is something as simple as syntax. This project prompts me to use a variety of react-redux functions. I have my slice below: /** @type ...
antjuh's user avatar
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React useCallback not working as expected in chatapp

Am making a chat app. Am using, redux-toolkit and rtk-query . When I open a chat I get chatId in params. and I sent the message (new message using with the id. The problem I'm ...
Sayedul Karim's user avatar
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Search Reducer, searched items removed from redux store

import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"; export const productSlice = createSlice({ name: 'products', initialState: [], reducers: { addProduct: (state, action) => { ...
Prajwal VK's user avatar
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In React/Next.js after click link data will not updated

In Next.js when clicking Link the new page url will open "/component/product", but according to product data will not updated in redux store where I used. It have to refresh page to update ...
Apurv's user avatar
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Making it safe to call a hook from outside of the Redux Provider, when it access the Redux store?

I have a hook useGetFooId that attempts to get a Foo ID from the Redux store with fallback logic: If the Foo ID is set in the Redux store, it returns the ID from there (but it's expected that in some ...
Alex von Brandenfels's user avatar
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How can I implement the inputSearch component so that users can find a certain task by typing a couple of letters? [duplicate]

For now, I have almost finished implementing the functionality for users to find a certain task. I am using a variable called isTaskListEmpty to render different content depending on its state. But ...
Oleg's user avatar
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Too many re renders - React - Filter Data

const MyComponent = () => { const [avaliador, setAvaliador] = useState(""); const [avaliadoresList, setAvaliadoresList] = useState([]); const [DataResultsTotal, setDataResultsTotal] ...
lucas barbosa's user avatar
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how to get updated state inside useIdleTimer.onIdle callback?

Have this pretty simple logic where if there is a logged in user and he has been idle for a certain amount of time he should be shown an inactivity modal const { user } = useTypedSelector((state) =>...
nikulas13's user avatar
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How can i filter values from the data coming from api call in react-redux

I am using react and redux to fetch data from an API call and now I have created a new variable and assigned it the same data. In the code, I am going to manipulate this new variable called ...
kheman garg's user avatar
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React Redux Issue: Modal Opens with Empty Data Instead of Existing Record for Editing

I’m working on a React project with Redux for state management. I’m encountering an issue where, when I try to edit an existing record, the modal supposed to open with the filled data is opening with ...
felps's user avatar
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Looses focus after write one word in input when use UseSelctor. why?

Here is parent and child. i use UseSelector to get state and pass it child component. But when i write something in input it looses the focus. why? enter image description here enter image description ...
Ashish Pundir's user avatar
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React Hook "useSelector" used in common functions throws an error

This is my selectors.js import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; export const useCloseAlertTrigger = () => useSelector((state) => state.common.closeAlertTrigger || {}); this is my ...
Robert Clave's user avatar

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